Key Learnings
- Verstehen sie die Vorteile der Automatisierung von Routine Aufgaben in der Bauindustrie
- Lerne wie Partner und Kunden Forge basierte Apps und Projekte umsetzen
- Verstehe wie Digitale Zwillinge Prozesse und Geschäftsergebnisse optimieren können
- Verstehe die Notwendigkeit der Verfügbarkeit und Qualität von Daten auf dem Weg zum industriellen Bauwesen
- Peter SchlipfPeter Schlipf – economist by education- supports all Forge and Autodesk Developer related business activities in Europe , ME and Africa. Peter started back in 2001 at Autodesk, has a sales background at Autodesk and other Tech companies like IBM, Acronis and Telecommunication organisations. Peter studied in Munich, Regensburg and Neuchâtel, lives in Munich and is based at the Autodesk Munich office in Germany. He is expert in Autodesk Forge program and ecosystem, multilingual and experienced in event marketing, sales organisation and product design theory. His international partner network is a key element supporting actual and future Forge Developers. When not travelling or presenting online Peter likes to spend his time on the water or in the nearby mountains.
- Matthias FuchsMatthias Fuchs studied project management/construction at the University of Applied Sciences in Biberach. During his master studies he worked as a research assistant on various digitization projects for the construction industry and investigated, among other things, the use of BIM in factory planning at the world market leader KNOLL Maschinenbau at its site in China. After his master's degree in 2019, he joined Grimm GmbH as a digitization and technology expert. His responsibilities include business development, BIM implementation, software development and the optimization and implementation of BIM workflows. Matthias is a technology enthusiast - He is passionate about technology and its ability to empower people to develop new solutions, services and business models.
- Julius GrimmJulius is 26 years old, a BIM enthusiast and represents the third generation of the family-run, medium-sized construction company Grimm GmbH in Southern Germany. After his bachelor's degree, he was responsible for the company's first BIM project, the turnkey construction of a radiology practice. This was also part of his bachelor thesis. As managing director he is responsible for buisness development, digital transformation and strategy. His focus is on BIM implementation and the development of innovate BIM processes up to digital fabrication. In addition, Julius gives guest lectures at the Biberach University of Applied Sciences on the subject BIM and he is currently completing an MBA in business management in the construction industry at the academy of the University Biberach.
- MLMartin LouckaMartin Loucka is an expert in digital planning with many years of experience in the implementation of complex projects and customer requirements. He is the founder and managing director of the technology company ioLabs AG. ioLabs is a Forge Certified Integrator that delivers customized solutions and connectivity in areas such as BIM, 3D, FM and ERP. Parallel to his work at ioLabs, he is a lecturer at the HSLU in Lucerne.
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