Key Learnings
- Learn about the benefits of integrating InfoWorks ICM with both network and plant models in wastewater management.
- Learn about key functionalities of InfoWorks ICM for evaluating holistic solutions in wastewater infrastructure optimization.
- Learn how automation techniques, using InfoWorks ICM, can streamline the hydraulic model-verification process.
- TDTom DaviesTom is the Deputy Executive Manager of the Planning, Design and Construction Administration Group at the Trinity River Authority of Texas, based in Arlington, Texas. He oversees engineering and construction capital improvements program staff, a state-of-the-art hydraulic modeling team, a $3 billion-5-year capital improvement program, 111 active engineering contracts, worth over $250 million and 26 active construction contracts valued at more than $700 million and growing. He is a graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington in Civil Engineering and is a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. He has over 39 years of experience in global water industry, in heavy engineering design for water and sewer transmission, geographic information systems, asset management, software development and construction management. Tom brought the powerful hydraulic modeling software HydroWorks to North America from the United Kingdom in the 90's and was subsequently President of the Wallingford Software, Inc. Tom was part of the team at Wallingford that expanded their products to water distribution, asset management and riverine modeling that resulted in the creation of the world-wide dominant modeling platform InfoWorks.
- JCJoshua CantoneJosh Cantone is currently the CEO of Optimatics and Managing Director of Suez Digital Solutions North America. Optimatics is owned by Suez and is a world-leading provider of infrastructure planning software that uses automation, AI and computational intelligence to optimize infrastructure investments for water and wastewater utilities. He has been a critical member of the leadership team there for the past 9 years, having served as the Chief Operating Officer previously. Josh is a graduate of the University of Adelaide in South Australia, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and most recently, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he received his Executive MBA. Throughout his tenure at Optimatics, Josh pioneered the development of Asset Advanced, a new product line dedicated to helping utilities optimize the rehabilitation, replacement and maintenance of their network infrastructure. Josh manages a team of more than 70 globally, which provides a unique set of challenges operationally. In his current position, two of his key focuses include leading the transformation of Optimatics business processes and continuing to evolve relationships with key customers across the world.