This class will be a presentation of tips, tricks, settings, and customization for the Inventor software Tube and Pipe flexible hose module. Explore the systems settings, as they will differ from a stand-alone user to a multiuser shared environment. Explore some new hidden settings to aid users in the creation and modification of Tube and Pipe runs. The quick and dirty way to add new styles as well as the modification of existing styles within the Tube and Pipe module. Users will discover the downstream bill of materials impact of different methods of tube and pipe run creation.
Key Learnings
- Learn the basics of the Tube and Pipe Styles and Template and Inventor settings for different environments
- Learn the quick way to create new styles and edit existing styles
- Learn the basics as well as some advanced tricks to creating flexible Tube and Pipe runs
- Learn how to handle version upgrades to ensure the T and P Styles Library is migrated to the current version and is available to all users