This session will explore the use of Autodesk Fusion 360 software to teach engineering design at the university level. The use of Fusion Teams and cloud workspaces has enabled effective group work, with blended learning approaches being widely adopted across the globe. This talk will discuss how Autodesk Fusion 360 became an essential tool for teaching online, and how it enabled us at the University of Warwick to continue to deliver high-quality teaching in the School of Engineering. We’ll discuss our approach to signing up and delivering the first learning experiences with Autodesk Fusion 360 to a cohort of nearly 400 first-year general engineering students. We’ll show how students were able to continue working seamlessly on both individual and group projects across all four years of the degree course remotely. And, of course, we’ll look at some of the amazing and innovative work they did. With remote design teams undoubtedly being an important aspect of the future of work, seeing what students can do with design software today is a must.
Key Learnings
- Learn about online teaching and delivery of engineering using Autodesk Fusion 360.
- Learn about using Autodesk Fusion 360 collaborative tools.
- Learn about designing course content for university-level teaching.
- Learn about using Fusion Teams for collaborative projects.
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