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BQ Enables Architectural "Vaccination"

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    The global economy is currently under great transition from Mass Production to Mass Customization. However the change of an enterprise is not something internal but every stakeholders from supplychain network, when the digital economy occurs. Therefore we’d like to present 2 equations for any Digintelligence-backed business. - BQ = EQ (2c)+IQ (2b) - MC = BQ (mkt)+BT (tech) Terminology BQ: BIM Quotient EQ: Emotional Quotient IQ:Intelligence Quotient MC: Mass Customization BT: BIM Twin We are BIMbrain and seeking the holistic solution via synergy of brand, product, experience and system. 1. Combined technologies of "BIM+DTT" pattern and digitalize the parts of building components; 2. Innovate/define association of digitalization and modelling and manage/synthetize/optimize PLM dataset; 3. Acquire/structure/link industial-wide data-lake for vertical applications, eg. mass customization/flexible manufacturing etc.; 4. Empower the industry and transform business model from 2b to 2c.

    Wichtige Erkenntnisse

    • Inspire professionals to discover Digintelligence as total solution
    • Improve industry efficiency from manufacturing models
    • Interoperate data between design, construction and maintenance
    • Incubate digital economy depends on entity economy