AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Best Practices in the Brownfield: Case Studies in Effective Scanning and Modeling

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    This class focuses on the particular challenges of documenting and modeling brownfield process plants using AutoCAD® Plant 3D software, AutoCAD® software, and other available hardware and software tools. As we go through several case studies of actual brownfield projects, you learn how to account for and overcome the numerous challenges that brownfield plants present, such as hostile weather, heat and vibration from ongoing operations, dangerous conditions and more. You also learn how the Autodesk suite of plant design and modeling tools, along with third-party software, can create a fast, accurate modeling workflow for your brownfield project.

    Wichtige Erkenntnisse

    • Identify the challenges of scanning and modeling congested areas, heavy equipment, and multiple floors of a hot facility
    • Execute a project plan that accounts for the variability of the conditions that are present in many brownfield plants
    • Implement a series of scanning and modeling best practices to ensure that project workflow is efficient and accurate
    • Make use of the tools in Autodesk Plant 3D, AutoCAD, and third-party applications that optimize the scan-to-model workflow