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Giving Owners What They Want: Facility Information from Building Information Models

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    Many institutional owners have near-continuous capital planning (new construction and renovation) programs. Their decision-making processes depend on reliable, accurate information. Come to this class and learn how delivering building information can turn a project-to-project relationship into an ongoing, long-term relationship. Architects, engineers, and contractors live in a model-centric world. Building owners live in an information-centric world. Most owners are not yet ready to manage 'live' building information models, but many are ready to manage the rich data set of information that is inherently available in, and can be easily obtained from, Revit software models. It's the information—and not just the geometry—in Building Information Modeling (BIM) that is making the difference for owners throughout the building lifecycle. This session focuses on the hidden value that may be found in your own models, and we will discuss how you can organize building information in—and extracted efficiently from—Revit software models with the Revit software COBie Toolkit.

    Wichtige Erkenntnisse

    • Learn about the contents of a Facility Information Specification (FIS)
    • Learn by comparing traditional contractual building information deliverables with the requirements of an FIS
    • Learn how to analyze an owner's building information needs and organize them using the Revit software COBie Toolkit
    • Learn how to prepare a detailed Facility Information Specification using the COBie Toolkit