AU Class
AU Class
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Mission Possible: Making Sustainability Approachable and Achievable

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    As the demand for sustainability initiatives grows within the AECO industry, there is increasing pressure from clients, leadership, and regulatory requirements to reduce embodied carbon and environmental impacts. Many firms are unclear where to start, what to focus on, or how to deliver on their sustainability goals and initiatives. Working smarter and making sustainability approachable and achievable is not an impossible mission. Firms can strategically align their operations to meet current and future demands, navigate challenges, and efficiently approach sustainability. Led by experts in design and carbon analysis, this session offers a comprehensive and actionable roadmap for organizations seeking to deliver on their goals. Through a blend of real-world case studies and practical strategies, attendees will gain a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating sustainability into their firm's digital practice.

    Wichtige Erkenntnisse

    • Understand common challenges around sustainability and how to make progress with your firm's initiatives
    • Gain knowledge of the complete AECO sustainability lifecycle, from design to building operations and beyond
    • Explore strategies to align your firm's goals with process and design technology to ensure you remain efficient and profitable in a competitive landscape
    • Navigate the various tools and approach workflows for full lifecycle design and analysis