AU Class
AU Class
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Round-Tripping: GIS to InfraWorks to LIDAR Point Clouds and Back Again

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    The opportunity to capitalize on InfraWorks software as the palette to combine many disparate data sets together is never more evident or valuable than the ability to pull Esri geographic information system (GIS) data from readily available sources and combine that with mobile mapping data that is captured for asset inventory or design survey projects to build a comprehensive data set using all the best available sources. This class will demonstrate how to pull utility and sign information from separate GIS databases into InfraWorks, then pull in mobile mapping data from the same area, and combine the 2 for asset verification and change management. From there, full feature extraction will be completed on the LIDAR (light detecting and ranging) point cloud, with these attributed features stored back in the appropriate GIS databases.

    Aprendizajes clave

    • Learn how to extract GIS data into InfraWorks and combine with point clouds
    • Understand applications of LIDAR technology
    • Learn how LIDAR data is used in ReCap and InfraWorks
    • Learn about automated feature extraction from point clouds