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- 了解行业在数字化转型中面临的痛点和战略的制定
- 发掘成功企业如何借助内生创新动力和前沿技术开辟转型机遇
- 探讨Forge技术在不同场景的最佳实践
- 启发新常态下更具创新力的数字换转型
- Xianhua TangAutodesk ADN ( Autodesk Developer Network ) 部门大中华区 高级市场经理 在Autodesk开发技术推广及支持部负责Autodesk开发技术在大中华地区的市场推广及合作伙伴拓展,在加入 Autodesk 公司以后,曾多年负责 Autodesk 公司产品的中文本地化业务,在过去的15年里一直致力于拓展 Autodesk 公司大中华地区的行业软件合作伙伴生态圈。拥有机械工程工学硕士学位,在加入 Autodesk 公司之前,曾从事机械产品设计以及应用软件研发等多种技术职位。
- SXSam XiaLead of Autodesk Forge Engineering Team in Shanghai, China, focusing on the development of cloud services data exchange, design interoperability and visualization needed by both construction and manufacturing solutions.
- Xiao Dong LiangPrincipal Advocate. Xiaodong joined Autodesk in 2007 as a developer advocate. Starting with desktop products’ APIs such as AutoCAD, Inventor and Navisworks, he dived into cutting edge technologies in web and cloud. He now supports BIM 360, Fusion 360 and Forge. Xiaodong is one of the contributors of ADN DevBlog and Forge blog. He is also active on Autodesk forum, mingling with the community. He has a masters’ degree in mechanics. He is enthusiastic about smart hardware technologies and enjoys programming with them connecting with a wide range of Autodesk products including Forge.
- WNWelie NgMr. Welie Ng practiced as a registered architect and authorized person after graduating from his master studies, and researched and pioneered the use of BIM related technologies at the same time. He joined the construction service sector in Hong Kong since 2006 where he found the arena was most challenging and diverse for Building Information Modeling (BIM) application. Up till 2020, Welie acquired vast experience in implementing BIM for numerous major construction projects, including comprehensive commercial and residential development in Hong Kong for renowned developers, Government recreational, communal and various major infrastructure projects. His expertise covers development and implementing operational team structure and workflows for Virtual Design and Construction initiatives in design and construction projects with value-adding mind-sets, collating market-viable technologies and talents to bring new lives and energies to conventional construction and design methodologies.
- MCMin Chen
- YYYu Yang虞洋 中电杉帝智造科技有限公司 总经理 浙江省创客服务协会 会长 智能制造评估师 从传统制造也起家,长达10年的传统制造业从业经验,2015年起从事制造服务,帮助传统制造业企业信息化转型。公司在浙江,广东,湖北,等地建设专业的一站式智能制造服务中心帮助当地企业智能制造改造。2018年获得工信部电子信息标准院授予智能制造成熟度评估师资质。
- NCNeo ChanDr Neo Chan is a founder of SGS Vircon. He has been focusing and working on the execution of BIM since 2005. He is one of the BIM pioneers in HK in the research and provision of BIM services and Virtual construction for A/E/C industry. He manages currently over 200 BIM professional and technical staff to execute more than 300 BIM projects. He led numerous projects to win Autodesk BIM Award in eleven consecutive years since 2010. Dr Chan is a member of Construction Industry Council (CIC) Committee on BIM in Hong Kong and a member of the BIM Vetting Sub-committee on CITF Funding. He was the Chairman (2017-2019) of HKIBIM and was awarded as the Young BIMer 2014 of the Year and Construction Industry Outstanding Young Person 2019 by CIC. He has fully engaged himself in BIM development and promotion for Hong Kong construction industry for over a decade.
- MZMax ZhaoMax had been working in the information technology industry for over 10 years. He is trying to leverage the power of IT to make the world better. Max joint Autodesk in 2015 and there he started the Cleantech Partner Program in Autodesk China to support the startups in China to make positive impact in environmental aspects, for example clean energy, water treatment, waste recycling, etc. Over the past two and a half years, there are over 100 startups joint the program, and they are using the design software sponsored by Autodesk to create environmental impact. At the same time, he is also trying to promoting the idea of Sustainable Design, to educate, to influence the future designers to create sustainable buildings, electric vehicles, clean energies, and sustainable cities. In 2016, Max won the award of “Outstanding Company in Advancing United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”for Autodesk.
- 伟峰 周Teoform(ShenZhen)Information Technology co., LTD is by the architectural design group, former BAT and Huawei technologists of the IT industry and well-known investor co-founded, is based on BIM Intelligent Construction to build China's first dedicated to BIM technologies China local connectivity and Internet technology, to provide users with intelligent solutions for high-tech companies. Teoform's basic capabilities around the BIM modeling model,to provide the construction field BIM secondary software development and project digital consulting services. The company is one of the participating units of the industry standard "Building Engineering Design Information Model Mapping Standard". As an important promoter of building digitalization and intelligence, we are trying to become a common member of International Building Smart, Teoform is also one of Autodesk's authorized training institutions.
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