
How Data Informs a New Era of Work

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How Data Informs a New Era of Work

Generative approaches can help us create optimal spaces for hybrid work



The ways we work have fundamentally changed as a result of the pandemic and the lockdown that followed. People have seen the potentials and possibilities of remote work, but working on-site still brings important benefits in terms of worker engagement, connection to culture, and loyalty and retention. Jana Braaksma of Steelcase shares new research and new initiatives that can help to create workspaces that are customized and responsive to the needs of workers. Steelcace is using generative approaches that balance the needs for both private and communal spaces that support a mixture of uses and connect much like a neighborhood does. It starts with data collection and analysis of how existing spaces are used, then moves to algorithmically generated designs. Once the designer selects a space design that works well, they can go in and finish individual spaces using traditional processes. The workspace of the future will never be one-size-fits-all, Braaksma points out. To be successful, it needs to be customized to specific people and purposes, and data will continue to be integral to the process.

About the speaker

Jana Braaksma is a global product visualization and customer experience manager for office furniture manufacturer Steelcase. She helps customers find value in their products while also providing value to internal team processes. Previously, she taught industrial arts for nine years. She holds graduate degrees in industrial technology and administration from Western Michigan University.  

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