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Complete BIM: An Introduction to Using Autodesk® Vault Collaboration AEC with Autodesk® Revit®

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    Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Revit Server allow for collaboration around the intelligent building model, but Building Information Modeling (BIM) is more than just the Autodesk Revit model. Come to this class and learn how using Vault Collaboration AEC can extend the data contained within the intelligent model and manage access to the data throughout the project ecosystem.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Explain how lifecycles help you control information within a project
    • Use sheet creation tools to improve communication and markup workflow
    • Explain how Vault Collaboration AEC can manage documents in a Revit-based project
    • Describe how Vault Collaboration AEC and Autodesk® Buzzsaw® interact to create a complete on-site and cloud document-sharing solution
