AU Class
AU Class
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Corridor Modeling: Using the New Corridor Transitions, Custom Subassemblies, and Multiple Baselines in Civil 3D

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    In this technical session, we'll go through the entire corridor workflow using the new corridor interface. Here we'll look at creating a corridor with multiple baselines (alignments and feature lines). We'll also add corridor transitions to the model and review best practices. We'll also incorporate several custom subassemblies into the model. This will be an in-depth look at ways these new tools can improve our corridor model.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Learn about the new corridor model setup interface and creating a corridor with multiple baselines (alignments and feature lines).
    • Get a better understanding of the corridor transition tool, and use the tool to create complex details more efficiently.
    • Learn how to incorporate custom subassemblies into the corridor model and evaluate best practices.