AU Class
AU Class
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Feature Extraction from Point Clouds—How to Make Sense of the Data

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    Design projects need to rely on quality data for existing conditions in order to be successful. Point cloud data collected from mobile or terrestrial laser scanning, or even from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), fit into this; however, they're challenging to use effectively on their own. This class will provide the necessary information to import, process, and extract relevant 2D and 3D features in InfraWorks software and exchange them with AutoCAD Civil 3D software for design. The class will also cover best practices for working with these large data sets and extracted features for detailed terrain and existing-conditions models. Knowledge of InfraWorks, AutoCAD Civil 3D, and point clouds will be helpful. At the end of the class, attendees will be able to use point cloud data more efficiently, and be able to extract linear and point features for further use in InfraWorks and AutoCAD Civil 3D.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Learn about point cloud visualization in InfraWorks
    • Learn about analysis and extraction of terrain and linear features of point clouds
    • Learn about exchange of features between InfraWorks and AutoCAD Civil 3D
    • Discover best practices for terrain generation from point clouds in AutoCAD Civil 3D
