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NCS goes BIM: Building Information Modeling Implementation for the National CAD Standards

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    Much of the building industry still requires and relies upon CAD-based and sheet-centric project information delivery. The National Building Information Modeling Standard-United States (NBIMS-US) doesn't define graphical standards, so the United States National CAD Standard (NCS) is an indispensable reference standard for the foreseeable future. Several changes have occurred in the NCS and NBIMS for versions releasing in late 2014. NCS V6 has added a new Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implementation Section, and there are ongoing efforts to further develop new content. This round table gives attendees an overview of the new section and the opportunity to participate in further development. Attendees will identify common business challenges that the National Standards can alleviate and they will develop a list of effective practices to help make project delivery consistent throughout the building industry. We will make content from this session available to attendees, and it will become a basis for revision ballots to the National Standards.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Learn to identify basic BIM guidelines and effective practices that you should implement for your BIM projects
    • Understand the content in the NCS V6 BIM implementation section
    • Provide input for further development of BIM implementation within the NCS
    • Understand why and how to become involved in national standards development