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S.M.A.R.T. Implementation of Autodesk Forma in an Architectural Office as a Game Changer

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    This case study shows how effectively Autodesk Forma software was integrated into the design process of NOVA PROJEKT Architekci sp. z o.o. This integration was intended to make it faster and easier to prepare precise urban analyses in the preliminary phase of architectural projects. This allowed for the analysis of multiple options, which is critical for construction projects subject to local and national laws and located on brownfield sites. The initial presentation will set expectations for Autodesk Forma. A test project revealed obstacles in the form of lack of support for some coordinate systems and DXF™ files. A diagnosis based on experience demonstrated that the analysis results would be only approximate. Autodesk support helped create a data-preparation process using AutoCAD Map 3D software, analysis in Autodesk Forma, and in Revit software. The initial design process has been shortened tenfold, and the results made a convincing case for those deciding whether to launch and approve the project.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Learn about how to fill gaps in an existing design process or create a new one with the help of Autodesk Forma.
    • Learn how to save time by getting help from Autodesk CTS when implementing new tools.
    • Learn how to more fully use the software contained in the AEC Collection.