AU Class
AU Class
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Urban Canvas—A Powerful Addition To Our Tool Palette

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    Come be one of the first to get a look at Autodesk’s newest urban planning offering - Urban Canvas. Gain valuable knowledge, insight and hands-on experience into this new product, and share your impressions. The design and development team will give a product overview, and Dan Campbell from the City of Vancouver will share his experience with early testing of Urban Canvas. You will have a chance to discuss workflows in the new program and compare it with your experience and expectations. This is a unique opportunity to collaborate with Autodesk experts and other urban planners and designers to help shape the future of the product.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Learn how to best integrate Urban Canvas into the planning process
    • Discover how to use InfraWorks and Urban Canvas in a complementary way
    • Learn how to better capitalize on existing data
    • Learn how to use Urban Canvas software's tools for public engagement
