La colaboración multidisciplinar es clave cuando se utilizan diferentes herramientas para cada disciplina. Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro ayuda a los equipos que están utilizando diferentes herramientas de diseño desde diferentes lugares a coordinar el diseño y el trabajo de ingeniería de manera más fácil y eficiente. Resolveremos el reto de combinar Revit para el diseño arquitectónico, estructural y MEP junto a Plant 3D para el diseño de tuberías industriales. Compartiremos flujos de trabajo específicos utilizando Autodesk Construction Cloud que abordan tanto las necesidades de colaboración (para consultores y propietarios, por ejemplo) como la co-autoría del diseño controlado y coordinado.
- 1. Solucionar los retos de trabajar de forma colaborativa con Revit y Plant3D
- 2. Implementar flujos de trabajo colaborativos basados en la nube para diseño y coordinación
- 3. Integrar el diseño de obra civil y piping para la gestión de incidencias del proyecto
- 4. Conectar diseño y construcción mediante la nube
- Jose ArizaJose Ariza joined Autodesk in 2017. He works as a Technical Sales Specialist for EMEA focusing on Autodesk’s building and construction portfolio. Before joining Autodesk, Jose had worked as a BIM consultant freelancer and also as a BIM Manager for a Spanish Autodesk Partner. As a result, for more than 8 years so far Jose has helped the main companies in the AEC sector during the BIM implementation process and in the development of both national and international interdisciplinary projects using Autodesk technology. Moreover, he has collaborated with the University of Córdoba (Spain) as Associate Professor. Born in Córdoba, Jose holds a BSc in Technical Industrial Engineering and a MD in Architectural and Engineering Layout Techniques and Design Methods from the University of Córdoba. When he's not installing a new version of Autodesk products, Jose spends his free time playing football, karting and watching series and MotoGP, as he's a bike lover.
- Alexandre Mihalache CotreantiMy role is Senior Technical Solution Executive in the European AEC technical specialists team at Autodesk. I'm based in France and have a structural engineering background. Over the last years, I have worked with structural analysis, collaboration for the AEC sector, as well as Plant design. I help spreading the Autodesk BIM and collaboration vision for both Autodesk partners and customers.
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