AU Class
AU Class
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An Introduction to Subassembly Composer

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    Subassembly Composer for Civil 3D software is an amazingly powerful tool for anyone who uses corridors in Civil 3D. There are so many situations where the built-in subassemblies just won't get you what you need. In this class you'll get a chance to build your own subassemblies and see them in action in Civil 3D. We'll start off with a simple shape, and then continue on to something more complex with targets and logical decisions.


    • Learn how to create a graph for a simple subassembly that includes codes used in the corridor.
    • Learn how to create a graph that allows for user input as well as targeting objects in the drawing (i.e., width and surface).
    • Learn how to create a graph that allows for logical decisions within the subassembly.