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Hands-on! Part Deux: Project Impacts with InfoWorks ICM and Civil 3D

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    In this Hands-On Labs, we'll explore the workflows between InfoWorks ICM and AutoCAD Civil 3D. While this is not a superficial, unnecessary, or overly bad sequel, this Hands-on lab will explore real-time collaboration we challenge two teams to execute a whodunnit flood simulation to save the little town of Topper. InfoWorks ICM enables team collaboration and empowers engineers to reach beyond single-purpose tools tools to evaluate various options against a multitude of rainfall events within the context of the entire watershed. This Lab will provide users the opportunity to save the town of Topper - together by leveraging Civil 3D data, and InfoWorks ICMs integrated catchment modeling to evaluate the town for possible flood damages.


    • Apply Civil 3D designs to InfoWorks ICM models
    • Preserve design data when determining overall flood damage
    • Collaborate as two teams to evaluate multiple scenarios
    • Evaluate the possible mitigation scenario to save the town of Topper