AU Class
AU Class
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Automated Linework from a Point Cloud Using Linear Feature Extraction

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동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


    In this session, we'll walk through a complete workflow starting inside ReCap Pro software, and publishing a point cloud to the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform. We'll extract linear features and bring them into Civil 3D software so we can create a simplified but highly accurate surface model. From there, we will publish the linear features as as-built information to ArcGIS Online for everyone to use. This is a workflow you've been asking for!

    주요 학습

    • Learn about the process of publishing a point cloud to the cloud.
    • Learn about performing linear feature extraction in the cloud.
    • Benefit from a simplified but highly accurate surface model.
    • Learn how to create and publish as-built information.