Editing Parking Bays

Parking layout is crucial to a well-planned commercial, educational and healthcare development. In fact, the parking count typically decides how large your building can be. We can now layout parking in minutes, get up-to-date parking counts and perform swept path analysis all inside Autodesk Vehicle Tracking.

In this example, we’ll be using the “Vehicle Tracking” add-on in Civil 3D. The “Vehicle Tracking” tab should appear on your ribbon. In this session, we’ll look at editing the parking bays and stalls and adding access roads.

There are a few methods:

  • Edit parking bays
  • Edit individual parking stalls
  • Parking stall count
  • Add access road

Running a report:

Running a report is useful for knowing your parking layout, bay type, parking count and more. Simply select the “Parking Report” icon in the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen. This report can be exported and shared.

Creating an access road:

There are two options for creating an access road: “Create Access Road” and “Create Access Road from Line”.

Using “Create Access Road”:

  1. In the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen, select the “Create Access Road” icon.
  2. In your parking lot layout, pick two points where you want your access road to begin and end.
  3. A window titled “Parking Access Road Properties” will appear. This window allows you to choose the standard, service type, flow type (one way or two way), line alignment and drive aisle width options. This adjusts each bay in your lot automatically.

In our example:

  • Service type: A
  • Flow type: Two Way
  • Line alignment: Center line
  • Custom width: 24
  1. Click “OK”.

Using “Create Access Road from Line”:

  1. Draw a simple AutoCAD 2D line in the parking lot where you want your access road.
  2. Select the “Create Access Road from Line” icon from the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the line you just drew.
  4. A window titled “Parking Access Road Properties” will appear. This window allows you to choose the standard, service type, flow type (one way or two way), line alignment and drive aisle width options. This adjusts each bay in your lot automatically.

In our example:

  • Service type: A
  • Flow type: Two Way
  • Line alignment: Center line
  • Custom width: 24
  1. Click “OK”.
  2. *One thing to be aware of: If you adjust the line you drew after setting the access road properties, the parking lot will not be dynamic to the new line, so you can delete that line.

Editing Parking Rows:

  1. Select the “Edit Parking Row” icon from the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the row you want to edit. In our example, we’re choosing the row on the far left.
  3. A window titled “Parking Row Properties” will appear. From here you can adjust the bay details. Be sure to select “Apply” after any changes are made.
  4. Under “Bay Style”, we can create a custom style by selecting the square next to the drop-down menu.
  5. Select “New” and then click on “Unnamed Bay Style” from the list on the left.
  6. Rename the new bay style in the “Bay style name” space.
  7. You can adjust the custom bay style to fit the needs of your parking lot, such as bay marking, safety zones, bay symbols and more.
  8. After making custom bay edits and clicking “OK”, select that bay style as the new bay style in the “Parking Row Properties” window and select “Apply” and then “OK”.

Editing Parking Bays:

  1. Select the “Edit Parking Bay” icon from the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the row of the bay you wish to edit.
  3. When you select the row, you can see tiny rectangles in each bay that turn red when you hover over them. Select a stall to edit it.
  4. A window titled “Parking Bay Properties” will appear. You can make custom changes to this stall from here or simply select a previously customized bay style by selecting it from the drop-down menu for the “Bay type”.
  5. Click “OK”.
  6. You can repeat the process for any individual bay you need to be different from the rest of the lot.
  7. If you run a report on this customized lot by selecting “Parking Report” from the “Parking” panel, it will show you the standard and custom bays you’ve created.

Editing Parking Islands:

  1. Select the “Edit Parking Island” icon from the “Parking” panel at the top of the screen.
  2. Choose the island you want to edit by clicking anywhere inside of it.
  3. A window titled “Parking Island Properties” will appear. By checking the box for “Custom non-standard properties”, you’re able to calculate the island, draw the island, edit curb return, edit width and more.
  4. Click “OK” to apply any changes.

There you have it! By making simple edits, you’re able to create parking lots that perfectly fit the needs of your project!