Roadway Grading in InfraWorks (7:36 min)

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Modeling conceptual design in InfraWorks helps you work more efficiently within the Autodesk Eco-System. Learn how to quickly grade the site in Infraworks using land areas, coverage areas, and even roadway grading techniques using profiles and slopes.

Preliminary Grading in InfraWorks- Roadway Grading: Use Autodesk InfraWorks to adjust your profile, plan, grading method, and to set the roadside slopes.
Before getting started, we are going to create a new proposal. Select the proposals tab at the top right of the screen and choose to add a new one. Give it a name and select OK. Click the InfraWorks “I” and we are going to need the “style palette” open.
Creating a roadway can be done in a few different ways: 1. We can create a road alignment in Civil 3D and bring in our Civil 3D file. 2. A road can be drawn using the tools within InfraWorks itself. 3. Or sketch something out in Civil 3D as a poly-line, map export command, and export that out to a shape file, and then drag and drop it in (in this case, we will be bringing in a shape file). 
1. We are going to bring in a shape file. Open windows file explorer and choose a shape file to use for our roadway. Drag and drop the file, which will open our Data Source Configuration window. We will then tell it what “type” we brought in.
2. After selecting a type, we will need to check the source tab and make sure our drape option is selected if needed. Lastly, we will give it a rule style and give it any other data we may need and click “Close and Refresh”.

Editing a Roadway: Before we can do some advanced editing on the roadway, we will need to switch it over to a component road (if we didn’t draw it as one) by selecting the road, right-clicking and selecting “Convert to Component Road”. Once that’s done, we will see some new tools available to us on the right of our model.
1. The first tool we are going to look at is the profile tool. We can access this tool by selecting the roadway, right-click the roadway and select the “Show Profile view” option. The cross-section view is also available in the same menu after right-clicking the selected roadway.
2. In the profile we can select our high and low points by simply clicking and dragging the cyan triangles in our profile view tool.
3. Some steep walls may appear as we adjust the high and low points in our roadway. Grading of those walls can be changed using our roadway properties column. Expand the “Grading” tab if it is not already and adjust the grading limit to adjust those vertical walls to even grading off your roadway.
4. We can then adjust the slope of our roadway using the same tab we used prior and changing our “Grading Method” from fixed width to fixed slope. We can also select a different cut and fill material too.
5. To adjust specific sections of the roadway (opposed to the whole roadway as we have been), right-click on the selected roadway and choose “Split Grading”. We will then need to select where to start and where to end the split and accept our selection by double-clicking. We now have a grading group (or Stack as it’s referred to) within our roadway that we can edit independent of the rest of our roadway.