Parameter Testing and Export

Lesson: Testing parameters and exporting data

In this lesson, we will test the performance of the Pier parameters and export the data for use in InfraWorks.

Learning Objectives:

• Create an iLogic form to test model parameters

• Exercise model parameters using the form

• Export the model for use with InfraWorks


  1. Continue editing the model from the previous exercise
  2.  If you do not have an iLogic tab in your browser, click the + sign at the top of the browser and select iLogic from the list.
  3. Select the iLogic browser tab to make it active.
  4. Right-click and select Add Form from the context menu.

5. In the Form Editor, change the label to Pier Testing.
6. Drag the PierHeight, PiercapLeftWidth, and PiercapRightWidth parameters into the field under the label.
7. Click OK to close the Form Editor.
8. Select the Pier Testing form in the browser to open the dialog.
9. Experiment with different parameter values.
10. Input values similar to those you started with and click Done to close the dialog.
11. Switch to the Environments tab and start the Infrastructure Parts Shape Utilities environment.
12. Select Export Template from the toolbar.
13. Set a path for your export and give the target file a name.
14. Click Export to create the file and switch the editor to that file.
15. Select Finish Infrastructure to return to the 3D Model.