Incorporate Custom Bridge Parts in InfraWorks
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Task: Inserting Parametric Bridge Parts
Use the Hammerhead Pier.ipt and Girder.ipt parts in the Pier and Girder in the dataset.
- In InfraWorks > Manage ribbon > Content > select the Style Palette.
- In the Style palette open the Parametric Models tab.
- Open the Bridge folder, then the Piers folder.
- At the bottom of the Style palette select the green plus sign to Add a New Style.
- At the top of the Define New Parametric Model dialog select the Model URI ellipsis button.
- Browse to where you have stored the Hammerhead Pier.ipt file, select it, and click Open.
- Check that the Domain is set to Bridge and the Component Type is set to Pier. Click OK.
- In the Style palette double-click the <parent> folder to move one level up. Select the Girder folder.
- At the bottom of the Style palette select the green plus sign to Add a New Style.
- At the top of the Define New Parametric Models dialog select the Model URI ellipsis button.
- Browse to where you have stored the Girder.ipt file.
- Change the Domain to Bridge and the Component Type to Girder.
- Click OK.
- Close the Style palette.
- Select the bridge, then select one of the piers. The data card that is open should be for that pier.
- In the Pier data card under Type select the hypertext name of the current assignment (Enhanced Standard Pier).
- In the Select Component palette select the Hammerhead Pier that was just added. This may take a second to complete.
- In the model area right-click and choose Apply To… > All Piers. This may take a second to process.
- With the bridge selected select one of the girders. The data card that is open should be for that specific girder group.
- In the Girder Group card under Type: External select the hypertext name of the current assignment (Steel Box).
- In the Select Component palette scroll to the bottom and select the Unassigned (1) custom girder style that was just added.
- In the model area right-click and choose Apply to.. > All Girder Groups. This may take a second to process.
- In the model area left-click away from any model parts to release the selection.