Inserting Panel Footprints and Nameplates (12:22 min)

Project: Create a Panel Layout from a Schematic List




Completion Time:  40 Minutes



        Completion Of Creating Panel Layouts Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you insert and edit footprint symbols on an operator station panel layout. You complete the following steps:
â–  Extract a schematic component list from the current project.
â–  Insert several components from the list in your panel drawing as footprints.
â–  Add nameplates.
â–  Edit the footprint and automatically update the nameplate and schematic components.
â–  Surf to the schematic drawing to review changes.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Panel_Layouts_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 6. If it is open but not active, in the Project Manager, do the following:
■ Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA.
■ Click Activate.
â–  Skip to step 6.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files and select Panel_Layouts_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Panel_Layouts_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_08.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to the left side of the operator station front layout.



8:  On the Panel tab, Insert Component Footprints panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Schematic List.



9:  In the Schematic Components List dialog box, do the following:
■ Click Project.
■ Click All.
■ Click OK.



10:  In the Select Drawings to Process dialog box, click Do All. Click OK.


11:  Insert Components from a List:
In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Sort List.


12:  In the Sort Fields dialog box, from the Primary Sort list, select TAGNAME. Click OK.



13:  In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Mark Existing.


14:  Scroll through the list to PB403 and PB403A.



15:  Select PB403 and PB403A. Press and hold Shift to select both entries.


16:  For Rotate, enter "0"


17:  Click Insert.


18:  In the Spacing for Footprint Insertion dialog box, do the following:
■ Select Use Uniform Spacing.
■ For X-Distance, type "0.00"

■ For Y-Distance, type "-2.50"

■ Select the Suppress Edit Dialog and Prompts check box.
■ Change the insert order so that PB403A is first and PB403 is second.
■ Click OK.



19:  Select the insertion point for the first footprint below the Main Power On light and to the left of the Conveyor Enabled light. (Hint: Use Object Snap Tracking to line up exactly on the centers of the components.)

AutoCAD® Electrical inserts both switches, and you return to the Schematic Components dialog box to continue inserting footprints.


20:  In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Close.


21:  In the Update Other Drawings dialog box, click OK.


22:  If prompted, in the Qsave dialog box, click Always Qsave.


23:  Insert Nameplates:
On the Panel tab, Insert Components Footprints panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Icon Menu.



24:  In the Insert Footprint: Panel Layout Symbols dialog box, click Nameplates.



25:  In the Panel: Nameplates dialog box, click Nameplate, Catalog Lookup.



26:  In the Nameplate dialog box, click Catalog Lookup.


27:  In the Catalog Browser dialog box, do the following:

        ■ In the Search field, type 800T*

        ■ In the Catalog column, select 800T-X59E.

        ■ Click OK.


28:  In the Nameplate dialog box, click OK.


29:  Select both switches that you inserted earlier, PB403 and PB403A. Press ENTER.


30:  In the Panel Layout - Nameplate Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK to accept the default information for PB403.


31:  In the Panel Layout - Nameplate Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK to accept the default information for PB403A.


32:  Edit Footprint and Update Links:
Right-click PB403, System Reset No.1. Click Edit Footprint.
(Be sure to select the switch footprint, not the nameplate.)



33:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click Catalog Lookup.


34:  In the Catalog  Browser dialog box, do the following:

        ■ In the Search field, type 800T*

        ■ In the Catalog column, select 800T-A2A.

        ■ Click OK.



35:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, in the Location section click Project.


36:  In the All Locations - Project dialog box, select OPSTA3. Click OK.


37:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK.


38:  In the Panel Footprint Update? dialog box, click Yes, Change It.


39:  In the Update Related Components? dialog box, click Yes-Update.


40:  In the Update Other Drawings? dialog box, click OK.


41:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.
The existing footprint is changed to match the new part number. The current drawing is saved and closed. AutoCAD Electrical opens Panel_Layouts_NFPA_04.dwg and updates PB403 with the new information. AutoCAD Electrical saves and closes Panel_Layouts_NFPA_04.dwg, and then reopens Panel_Layouts_NFPA_08.dwg.



42:  On the Quick Access toolbar, click Surfer.


43:  In the drawing, select the PB403 push button footprint.


44:  In the Surf dialog box, select the parent schematic reference for PB403. Click Go To.


45:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.
AutoCAD Electrical saves and closes Panel_Layout_NFPA_08.dwg. AutoCAD Electrical opens Panel_Layout_NFPA_04.dwg and zooms in to PB403.


46:  In the Surf dialog box, click Edit.
Notice how the information on the schematic symbol is updated with the edits from the panel drawing.



47:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.