Create a new Playlink
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Create and send a Playlink
To complete the exercise, you will need to have a +Share permission in a folder.
Create a new Playlink
To start the process of making a new playlink, go to the Playlinks tab and then click the Create New Playlink button.
Add assets
First, you'll populate the Playlink with assets. Select the batch you'd like to choose the assets from and click each one to select it. You can also Shift+click to select several, click and drag from one column to the other, or use the Select All button to get everything from a batch in one go.
Add Playlink recipients
This step lets you choose who you'll be distributing your Playlink to. Clicking the + next to the contact's name will add them to the Playlink Participants column.
It's also possible to add and remove entire Teams to and from a Playlink, or just cherry-pick certain members from a selected Team.
Playlink options
Give your Playlink a name, set an expiration date, and allow comments using Playlink options tab.
On the Options tab, click Next to view the Overview, and click the Send button.