Organize and find pages in folders and favorites
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Organize and find pages in folders and favorites
Pages can be sorted into folders to keep them organized. Folders will appear under the global and project pages menus.
There are a few ways to add a page to a folder.
- Add a page to a folder from Design Mode.
- From the Page Settings menu, select Design Page.
- Under the Page tab on the left-hand display, fill in the Folder field.
- Once a folder is set, select Save in the top-right hand corner to save changes to the page.
- From the Page Settings menu, select Design Page.
- Add a page to a folder from the Pages page.
- Pages can be managed either from:
- The global navigation menu via All Pages > Manage Pages…
- The project navigation menu via Project Pages > Manage Pages…
- Ensure the Folder field is visible.
- Update the field with the name of the Folder the page will be organized into.
- Pages can be managed either from:
- Add a page to a folder when creating a duplicate page.
- If users like a page and want to duplicate it to either use it in another project, or to have a variation of the page they can modify, without affecting the original page, users can:
- Go to Page Settings and select Save Page As…
- From this menu, users can add the page to a folder by filling in the Folder field before selecting Create Page.
- If users like a page and want to duplicate it to either use it in another project, or to have a variation of the page they can modify, without affecting the original page, users can:
Folders can be nested, meaning that folders can be created within folders. The add a page to a nested folder, simple type -> between each folder level.
- For example, to add a page to the folder below, users will need to type Jessica's Pages->Reports into the Folder field.
Pages can be removed from folders at any time by clearing the Folder field.
To delete a folder, any Folder field containing that folder must be cleared. Once there are no more pages within a folder, the folder will disappear.
Any page can be marked as a Favorite. Favorites work similarly to bookmarks in a web browser. A Favorite page will listed under a user's Favorites in both the global and project page menus.
To set a page as a Favorite, users can select the star to the right of any page name, from either:
- Within a page
- The global or project page menus
Many users will create custom pages while working within Flow Production Tracking. Favorite pages will be listed at the top of the global and project pages menus and make navigating to the pages that users need to access the most that much easier.