Customize the Project navigation menu
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Customize the Project navigation
Choose the displayed pages and their order
All entities within a project's schema are accessible via the project navigation menu, but not all are displayed. While some pages will be visible, the rest will appear under the "Other" drop-down tab.
It won't be possible to have all the entities of a project visible in a project navigation menu because there are too many to be displayed. Users may want to choose which entities are in the displayed menu, versus the "Other" drop-down menu.
Administrators can control what the project navigation looks like.
While most parts of the project navigation menu, like the project name, Project Pages, and Project Actions tabs will stay the same, it's the entity pages that can be customized. Users can customize which pages are displayed and the order of the pages.
To customize the project navigation, select Project Actions > Navigation.
The pages currently in the project navigation menu are displayed at the top of the screen.
- To remove pages from the project navigation:
- Select the garbage can beside the page.
- The page will re-appear below and can be re-added into the navigation later. Selecting the garbage can does not mean the page has been deleted from a site! it just means the page has been removed from the displayed project menu.
- To add pages to the project navigation:
- Drag and drop the pages from the bottom of the screen up into the main project menu.
- To reorder pages:
- Drag and drop each page into the desired display order.
Select Save to ensure the project navigation menu reflects the changes.
Add custom pages to the project menu
Users can add custom pages to the project navigation. Â
From any page, go to Page Settings > Add to Navigation.
Users will find themselves in the project navigation, where the page they chose will now appear under Custom Pages and the project navigation menu. Users can drag and drop the custom page into position and select Save to confirm the changes.
Customize the project landing page
The landing page is the first page a user will land on when they open a project. This page will also be the first page on the left-hand side of the project navigation menu.
To change the landing page, go to Project Navigation > Project Actions.
The left-most page in the navigation bar is always the default landing page for a Project. This is indicated by the word "(default)".
To change landing pages, drag any page into the left-most position. This page will now become the new landing page for the project.
Rename pages
To change the displayed name of a page in the project navigation menu:
- Go to Project Navigation > Project Actions.
- Select the pencil to the right of the name of the page.
- Type in the new name of the page and click out of it to lock it in the new name.
Customizing the project navigation is a great way to ensure project teams can work efficiently in Flow Production Tracking.