How an Admin can create and configure a Lifecycle
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Create a lifecycle definition - Exercise
Create and configure lifecycle definitions on the Lifecycle Definition dialog.
- Click Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
- On the Vault Settings dialog box, select the Behaviors tab > Lifecycles.
- Click New to launch the Lifecycle Definition - New Definition dialog.
- Enter a lifecycle definition name in the Definition Name field.
- Select the categories to which you want the lifecycle definition assigned from the Category list.
- Enter a description for the new lifecycle definition in the Description field.
- Select your preferred Definition Security from the drop-down:
- Combine with object-based security – any state-based security defined for individual states within this lifecycle definition combine with the object-based security set on the object. In other words, the combined security becomes the effective security for the entity.
- Override object-based security – any state-based security defined for individual states within this lifecycle definition override the object-based security set on the object. In other words, state-based security becomes the effective security for the entity.
- Click the Plus (+) button to create a lifecycle state for the new definition.
- After you have created your lifecycle states, select a lifecycle state in the Lifecycle Details list and click the checkmark to set it as the default state for the lifecycle definition.
- Reorder lifecycle states by selecting a state in the Lifecycle Details view and clicking the up or down arrow. The order of the lifecycle states determines the order in which they are displayed in the Change State dialog.
- When finished, click OK to save the new definition.
You can customize individual state behavior for lifecycle definitions by performing any of these tasks:
- Customize a state name and description.
- Modify transition rules.
- Configure member security.
- Determine purge criteria.
- Edit comments regarding state behavior.