How to set or change categories

How to set or change categories - Exercise

Create a new rule

Create new rules to enforce how files, items, and custom objects are assigned to categories.

When a new rule is created, by default there are no conditions assigned to the rule, and it evaluates as negative until conditions are defined for the rule.

  1. Click Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
  2. In the Vault Settings dialog box, select the Behaviors tab > Rules.
  3. Create a new Rule by clicking on New… in the Assignment Rule dialog.
  4. Rule Name shall be INVENTOR.
  5. Category Assignment shall be Engineering.
  6. In the Rule Condition Builder, set:
    • Property to Provider
    • Condition to is
    • Value to Inventor

  7. Click on Add to take over the condition.
  8. Enable Apply rules on object creation.
  9. Click on Apply.
  10. Click OK.

Change categories in the Vault client

The category to which a Vault object is assigned can be changed using the Change Category command.

The command can be accessed from the Action menu, or from the Lifecycle Management toolbar.

  1. Select one or more Vault objects of the same entity class for category reassignment from the main view.

    Note: The change category command is available for all entity types in the Vault. The dialog will only support one entity type at a time. For example, the dialog will not change category of a file and a folder at the same time. These actions must be performed separately.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Actions > Change Category.
    • From the Lifecycle Management toolbar, click Change Category.

  3. In the Change Category dialog box, select a new category from the list.

    Note: Only items with BOM rows that are turned on are displayed in the Name view.
    • Select Apply assignment rules to evaluate the selected objects by the assignment rule of the selected category.
    • Clear the check box for any object that should not change.
    • Add comments in the Enter Comments box.
  4. Click OK to apply the change to the selected object(s).