Navigating the Domain Attribute Editor


The Edit Domain Attribute dialog box provides access to 18 database tables in one location. This allows you to view and edit all data fields associated with the elements existing in the currently active domain.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.

Start by creating a domain:

  1. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Domain panel, click Enlarge Domain.
    The Domain panel in the InfoWater Pro tab on the ribbon, with the Enlarge Domain icon highlighted, and the selection highlighted in the map
  1. In the map, select a group of features to create the domain:
    The network map, with the group of selected features that make up the enlarged domain highlighted in red
  1. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click Edit Domain.
  2. Maximize the Edit Attribute window to see the full contents.

The Edit Attribute editor contains color-coded database tables for all feature types currently in the domain. The geometry data tables are grey, information data tables are yellow, hydraulic modeling data tables are light blue, and the output data fields are white.

The Edit Attribute window, showing the color-coded data in the Pipe tab

Use the appropriate icons to display or hide any of these data tables or output data. Feature types, such as junctions and pipes, are available as tabs.

  1. Copy, sort, and block edit elements in the table.
  2. Save your changes.
  3. Close the dialog box.
  4. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Domain panel, click Clear Domain.