Navigating the InfoWater Pro model view
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
In an InfoWater Pro project, the main window panel contains your network map, a visual representation of the components that make up your water distribution system model. In addition, it can show other layers, such as shapefiles and base maps that may have been added.
The map is made up of components of a water distribution system. Each component is represented in the model by different identifying symbols or lines and colors, such as whether a component is active or inactive in your map. You can also see the applicable symbols and colors in the Contents panel.
There are several component types that can be used in a model:
- Junctions represent locations where links intersect and where demands are taken from the system.
- Tanks represent locations of system storage—both above the surface and underground.
- Reservoirs are an inexhaustible supply of water. They can be used to model treatment plants, wells, or an intertie, among other things.
- Pipes convey flow from one node to another.
- Pumps add energy to the system for the purpose of filling tanks or adding head downstream of the pump.
- Valves control flow and pressure.
The network map is the first critical element when working in an InfoWater Pro project, because it is where you add feature attributes as components to your map. Only then can you use the InfoWater Pro tools and settings to modify modeling parameters, and then analyze the model solution, results, and scenarios.