Specifying scenario facilities


A scenario may simulate a unique portion of the system or the entire network. For example, proposed pipes should not be included in a scenario that represents the existing conditions.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. In the Model Explorer, click the Scenario Explorer icon.
    The Model Explorer, with the Scenario Explorer icon highlighted for selection
  1. In the Scenario Explorer, under Network Data Scenario(s), select BASE, Base Network Scenario.
  2. In the Scenario Explorer toolbar, click Activate.
    Scenario Explorer window with the BASE scenario selected and Activate highlighted on the toolbar

Note: An active scenario cannot be edited; therefore, activating the BASE scenario ensures that all child scenarios can be edited.

To specify the facility for each child scenario:

  1. Select the EXISTING scenario.
  2. Click the Facility tab.
  3. Enable Query Set.
  4. Expand the drop-down and choose FAC_EXISTING.
    Scenario Explorer with the EXISTING scenario selected and the Query Set section highlighted in the Facility tab
  1. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the EX_ALTPUMPING existing scenario to specify the same existing facilities.
  2. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the EX_MAXDAY existing scenario to specify the same existing facilities.

To assign the 2030 facilities to each of the 2030 sub-scenarios:

  1. Select the 2030 scenario.
  2. In the Facility tab, click Query Set.
  3. Expand the drop-down and select FAC_2030.
    The Scenario Explorer, with the 2030 scenario selected and the Query Set options highlighted in the Facility tab
  1. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for the 2030_ALTPUMPING future conditions scenario.
  2. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for the 2030_MAXDAY future conditions scenario.
  3. Click Exit to close the Scenario Manager.
  4. In the Model Explorer, expand the Scenario drop-down and activate the various EXISTING and 2030 scenarios.
  5. Cycle through all the scenarios to verify that the correct features are activated for each scenario in the map.

Note: All proposed pipes and junctions should be displayed as grey for the EXISTING scenarios. No pipes or junctions should display as grey for the 2030 scenarios.

Network map of the EXISTING scenario, with proposed pipes and junctions displayed as grey