Using the query summation report


The Query Summation Report can be used in conjunction with Database Queries (DB queries) to determine and evaluate the different attributes associated with the InfoWater Pro data elements. Those elements include junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps, valves, and pipes that satisfy the DB query. The report groups elements according to values in a specified field. Within each group, the values of another field are summed, such as length of pipe for each diameter value.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. In the Model Explorer, Command Center tab, expand the Tools folder.
  4. Double-click Query Summation Report.
    The Model Explorer Command Center Tab, with Tools folder expanded and Query Summation Report selected

A DB query must be used to start a Query Summation Report. In this tutorial, the report includes all pipes. Therefore, a query must be created to select all pipes.

  1. In the Query Summation dialog box, click the ID Browse () button.
  2. In the DB Query dialog box toolbar, click New.
  3. In the New DB Query popup, type a New ID of “ALL_PIPES”.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Select Element Type dialog box, select Pipe.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Back in the DB Query dialog box, click the Query Builder icon.
    The DB Query dialog box, with the Query Builder button highlighted for selection
  1. In the Query Builder:
    1. Switch to the Link tab.
    2. Under Data Field, select ID.
    3. Select the Operator <> (this is the exclude operator).
    4. In the text field under the operators, type “9999qqqq9999”.

Note: This is a random value chosen to select all pipes when running the query. Because no pipes have this ID, by excluding it, all the pipes are selected in the query.

    1. Click Add.

the Query Builder dialog box with the settings configured to select all the pipes in the model for this tutorial

  1. Click Validate.
  2. Click OK if the query is valid.
  3. Click OK to close the Query Builder.
  4. Click OK to close the DB Query dialog box.
  5. Back in the Query Summation dialog box, expand the Summary Field drop-down and select PIPEHYD: LENGTH.
  6. Expand the Summary Class Field drop-down and select PIPEHYD: DIAMETER.
    The Query Summation dialog box, with selections to sum the pipe lengths for each pipe diameter for this tutorial

The software will sum the pipe lengths that fall under each diameter type. So, you will see the total length of pipes that are under each unique diameter.

  1. Click OK to create the report and graphs.
  2. If a warning appears, click Yes to continue.

In the Report Manager, you can view the results as a Report, Bar Chart, or Pie Chart. The options to format these charts are the same as those to format graphs in the Report Manager for any report.

If you ran this report to find out which pipe diameter has the most total length in the model, you can see that the 6" pipes have the most:

The Report Manager, report table showing that the 6" pipes have the most total length in the model

  1. Click Settings to return to the Query Summation dialog box.
  2. In the Summary Class Field, select PIPEHYD: ROUGHNESS.
  3. Click OK to create this report.
  4. If a warning appears, click Yes to continue.
  5. From this report, you can see that a roughness value of 110 is used in the model.
    The Report Manager, showing the Pie Chart tab active, with 100% of the pipes having the same roughness value.
  1. Click Hide to close the Report Manager.