Introduction to Industrialized Construction

Course overview

Here, you are introduced to the definition and mega trends encompassing Industrialized Construction for the built environment lifecycle. In addition, Design-Build-Operate frameworks are introduced along with connections to advanced manufacturing principles and emerging trends and technologies prompted by Industry 4.0 and Construction 4.0.

Over the duration of this content, we will cover:

  • An overview of Industrialized Construction
  • An introduction to Design for Manufacturing (DfMA)
  • A proposed framework for Industrial Construction
  • Industrialized Construction resources

Teaching supplements

Teach this course in the classroom (virtual or in person). It is recommended that you watch the videos and familiarize yourself with the course before delivering this content in the classroom.

Download the instructor resources. 

We’ve provided an instructor guide for teaching the course content in the classroom, with discussion prompts, learning objectives, and estimated times for demonstration and practice. Additionally, grading rubrics for the challenges found in the course are provided. Students can either work in teams or solve the challenges on their own.

Want to create custom learning playlists to share with your students?
Choose and share the modules and courses that best fit your curriculum using Lists. Once you create a List, share the URL with your students and they can sign in using their Autodesk Account to access. 

  • To create a List, select [+] 'Add to list' in the banner of a course or module.
  • To share a list with others, set the list visibility to Public and share the link.

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