Visualize Forge Data with Power BI
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Visualize Building Performance Data with Forge
1-3-Visualize Forge Data with Power BI
- Go to to download the Postman installer. Install the software after downloading it.
- Open Power BI and click the “Get Data” button. Browse to the “resultsFile.csv” file you downloaded in the previous lesson. Click “Load” to import the data.
- Navigate to the Data View. Note that the area data includes a “SF” suffix. This prefix needs to be removed so the area can be calculated. You will do this by creating a new column using the area data but removing the “SF” suffix.
- Click the “New Column” button to add a column to the data.
- Type the following in the column field: SUBSTITUTE(resultsFile[Area], “ SF”, “”). This will copy the area data but substitute the “SF” suffix with blank text.
- Right-click the new column and select “Rename”. Rename the column as “Area Number”.
- With the “Area Number” column selected, click the “Modeling” tab the click the “Data Type” drop-down. Change the data type of the column to “Whole Number”. Click “Yes” to accept the change.
- Switch back to the “Report” view in Power BI. Select visualizations from the palette and add them to the report. Consider adding the following visualization types:
Pie Chart
Card - Create different visualizations to look at Category, Type Name, and Area Number.
- Create a new report page then add a Pie Chart. Set the Pie Chart to report Area Number, Category, and Family Name.
- Create a filter to filter by Category. Set the Category to “Walls”.
- Create another filter to filter by “Type Name” and “Begins with”. Enter the letter “E” in the text field. This will filter the Pie Chart to show only exterior wall types.