• InfoDrainage
  • Civil 3D

Designing pipes for no flood criteria

Design pipes to meet no-flood criteria by setting the network design criteria.


For drainage designs to be valid in the UK, they first have to meet the no-surcharge criteria, and then they must meet the no-flood criteria. In this example, the no-surcharge criteria have already been met, so now, it is necessary to check the no flood criteria.

  1. On the ribbon, Rainfall/Pollutants tab, click Rainfall Manager.
  2. In the Rainfall Manager Items tree view, expand the Design Storms node, then the FSR node, and select Rain 1 to edit it.
  3. Click the Return Periods tab.
  4. Click Add to add another return period.
  5. Click Add to add another return period.
  6. Enable the Use option for the new 30-year storm, and disable the 2-year storm to deactivate it.
    The Rainfall Manager, with the Rain1 rainfall activated. The Return Periods tab is showing, and the Use column is highlighted for changes.
  7. Click the Storm Durations tab.
  8. Leave all nine of these storms active.
    The Rainfall Manager, with the Storm Durations tab active. Under the Use column in the table of rainfall events, nine of the storm durations are checked off as being active.
  9. Click the Parameters tab.
  10. Enable both Summer and Winter.
    The Rainfall Manager, with the Parameters tab showing and the Storm Profiles checked for both Summer and Winter.
  11. In the Rainfall Manager toolbar, click Save.
    The Rainfall Manager, with a callout to the Save icon in the toolbar.
  12. Click Close.
  13. On the ribbon, Analysis tab, Criteria panel, click Analysis Criteria.
  14. In the Analysis Criteria dialog box, enable Rain 1.
  15. Set the Output Interval to 1
  16. Expand the Time Step drop-down and select Default.
  17. Set Urban Creep to Apply Global Value and leave the percentage set to 0.
  18. Set the Junction Flood Risk Margin to 300
  19. Deselect Perform No Discharge Analysis.
  20. Click OK.
    The Analysis Criteria dialog box, with all applicable options configured. The user is about to click OK.
  21. On the ribbon, Analysis tab, Analysis panel, click Validate.
  22. In the Validate dialog box, ensure the validation is okay.
    The InfoDrainage interface and Validate dialog box in the background, with a callout message showing in the foreground that reminds users what is validated and what is not during that process.
  23. Click OK.
  24. Save the file.