• Fusion

Fusion milling basics

An overview of the basic milling toolpath parameters using the Face milling strategy. 

Once completed, you should have a toolpath that looks like this.
Note: Since this video was made, the way you select geometry has changed. For more information, see: Geometry selections.

What we cover in this video

  1. The 2D Facing toolpath.
  2. Overview of the toolpath parameter dialogs.
  3. Selecting a tool from the Tool Library.
  4. Selecting the cut boundary.
  5. Cutting parameters.
  6. Cutting transitions.
  7. Saving the design.

Manufacture > Milling > 2D > 2D Face 2d face toolpath icon

2D Face Milling is planer machining process. It's sometimes called 2.5 axis machining because all of the cuts are limited to a 2 axis plane (normally XY) and the depth cuts are taken in the 3rd axis (normally Z). When you select the 2D pull down, there are a variety of toolpaths that represent this type of machining.

Toolpath Parameters This video is includes an overview of the toolpath dialogs. It discusses their similarities and differences.
