• Revit

Create a gabled roof

Create a roof sketch using the roof by footprint method. Apply slope properties to a roof sketch. Set slope values. Convert a roof sketch to a roof element.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Create a roof sketch for a gabled roof using the roof by footprint method, apply slope properties, and set slope values.

  1. Open the project RF_Arch_Gable Roofs_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the 3D view.
  2. In the Project Browser, Floor Plans section, double-click Garage Roof to open the view.
  3. In the View tab > Windows panel, click Tile Views.

In the Revit interface, the project for this example open to the Garage Roof and 3D views, and in the View tab, Windows panel, Tile Views selected and highlighted in red.

  1. Zoom in on the garage in both views.
  2. Click in the Garage Roof view to activate it.
  3. In the Architecture tab > Build panel, expand Roof and click Roof by Footprint.

In the Architecture tab, Build panel, the Roof drop-down expanded, with Roof by Footprint selected.

  1. In the Options Bar, verify that Defines Slope is selected and set the Overhang to 2'-0".
  2. In the Draw panel, verify that Pick Walls is selected.
  3. Hover over one wall and make sure the dashed line is on the outside of the walls.

In the Options Bar and Draw panel, options set and highlighted in red, and in the Garage Roof view, the cursor hovering over a wall, with a dashed line displayed on the outside.

  1. Press TAB to select the rest of the walls.
  2. Click to place the roof sketch.

In the Garage Roof view, the placed roof sketch, which appears as a purple rectangle in both views.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Select the two shorter lines.
  3. In the Options Bar, deselect Defines Slope.

In the Garage Roof view, the two shorter lines of the roof selected, and in the Options Bar, deselecting Defines Slope, highlighted in red.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Select the two longer vertical lines.
  3. In Properties, change the Slope value to 6" /12".

In the Garage Roof view, the two longer lines of the roof selected, and in Properties, the updated Slope value highlighted in red.

  1. In the Modify | Create Roof Footprint tab > Mode panel, click Finish Edit Mode.
  2. When prompted to attach the highlighted walls to the roof, click Attach.

Walls of the garage highlighted in both views, and a notification asking if you would like to attach them to the roof.

  1. In the View Control Bar, expand Visual Style and select Wireframe.

In the View Control Bar, Visual Style expanded, with Wireframe selected.

  1. Drag one or two of the walls to a new location to see how the roof follows the location of the wall.

IN the Garage Roof view, the left wall moved to the left, indicated by a red arrow, and in the 3D view, the moved wall and extended roof highlighted in red.

  1. Click Undo and return the Visual Style to Hidden Line.
  2. In the Project Browser, in the Elevations (Elevation 1) section, double-click South to open the view.
  3. In the View tab > Windows panel, click Tab Views so this view fills the window.
  4. Zoom in on the garage and select the Garage Roof Level.

The South elevation view zoomed in to the garage, with the Garage Roof Level selected.

  1. Change the temporary dimension to 4'-0". The roof and walls move up.

The temporary dimension of the Garage Roof Level changed to 4 feet, with the roof and walls moved up.

  1. Undo the change.
  2. Open the 3D view.
  3. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Close Inactive Views.
  4. Double-click the middle wheel of the mouse to zoom to fit.

In the zoomed-to-fit 3D view, the completed gable roof.

  1. Save the project.