• Revit

Wall layouts - create straight and curved walls

Draw straight and curved walls. Create similar walls. Apply alignment constraints to walls.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Draw straight and curved walls. Create similar walls. Apply alignment constraints to walls.

  1. In Revit, begin a project using the default.rte template.
  2. In the Architecture tab, Build panel, expand Wall and select Wall: Architectural.
  3. In the Properties palette, Type selector, select Exterior – CMU on Mtl.Stud.

In the Revit interface, the Properties palette, Type selector, with the Exterior – CMU on Mtl.Stud wall type selected.

  1. Pick a point on the screen, drag to draw the wall to the right 10'-0", and click the endpoint to change directions.
  2. Draw a wall down 7'-0", and back to the right 8'-0".
  3. Drag up until you see the alignment line and snap, and pick that point.

In the drawing area, the 4th wall drawn in the upwards direction, with the alignment line and snap visible.

  1. Continue drawing walls by typing in the distance 10 feet to the right, and then 20 feet down.
  2. Draw a few more walls 14'-0" to the left, 8'-0" down, and a final wall of 14'-0" in alignment with the beginning of the first wall.

In the drawing, all walls drawn for this example, with a dotted line indicating the alignment of the final wall with the beginning of the first wall.

  1. Press ESC twice to end the Wall command.
  2. Select the vertical wall on the right, and drag it out to 13'-6".
  3. Drag the lower vertical wall to the right until it aligns with the vertical wall above, and click to place it.
  4. Click the padlock icon to constrain the walls together.

The lower vertical wall aligned with the wall above, and the selected padlock icon now locked, highlighted in red.

  1. Drag the other wall to see that the aligned and locked wall moves with it.
  2. Remove the alignment constraint to move the walls independently again.

To create a curved wall:

  1. Select one of the walls, then right-click and select Create Similar.
  2. In the Draw panel, select Start-End-Radius Arc.
  3. To define the start and end points, click the end of the lower horizontal wall, and the end of the upper horizontal wall.

In the ribbon, Draw panel, the Start-End-Radius Arc tool highlighted in red, and in the drawing, the end point of the curved wall indicated by a red square.

  1. To create the curve, drag to the left where it shows the tangent alignment.

In the drawing, the initially straight line dragged to the left to create the curved wall.

  1. In the ribbon, click Modify to end the command.