• Revit

Create split walls

Apply the Split Element and Split with Gap tools to a wall segment.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Apply the Split Element and Split with Gap tools to a wall segment.

  1. Open the project W-Arch_Split_Walls_RVT2021.rvt.

It opens in the Level 1 plan view.

  1. In the Modify tab > Modify panel click Split with Gap.
  2. In the Options Bar, set the Joint Gap to 4".
  3. Click a point on the wall.

In the Revit interface, the Split with Gap tool selected on the Modify tab, the Joint Gap set on the Options Bar, and in the plan view, a point being selected on a wall, with all highlighted in red.

  1. While still in the command, change the temporary dimension to 6'-0" to see how the gap moves.

For the left wall, a temporary dimension of 6 feet entered for this example.

  1. Change the dimension again to 4'-0".
  2. Drag the left witness line to the far-right wall.

The left witness line highlighted in red, with the cursor dragging it to the far-right wall.

  1. Change the temporary dimension to 6'-0".

For the right wall, the temporary dimension of 6 feet entered for this example.

  1. Click Modify to exit the tool.
  2. Zoom in on the gap to select the wall to the left and drag it up and down.

The other wall moves with it because it is locked in alignment.

The cursor, highlighted in red, dragging the left wall up, and the right wall moving with it.

  1. Click to place the walls.
  2. Click the Drag Wall End control and drag to change the location of the gap.

The cursor, highlighted in red, dragging the Drag Wall End control to change the gap location.

The gap remains because it is locked.

  1. Click the lock icon to unlock it.
  2. Click the Allow Join control.

The left wall selected, the lock icon highlighted in red to show that it is unlocked, and the Allow Join icon being selected.

  1. Select the adjacent wall and click its Allow Join icon.

The gap is removed, but the walls do not clean up.

  1. Where the two walls meet, click the Drag Wall End control to join the walls.

The wall is now one continuous segment.

The 2 adjacent walls now one continuous segment.