• InfoWater Pro

Performing a Water Age Analysis

Set up and run a water age simulation analysis.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:



Once you are done calibrating the hydraulic model, you are ready to perform a water age analysis. In InfoWater Pro, a water age analysis computes the amount of time that water has been in the network at each node throughout an extended period simulation.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.

To set up the simulation options:

  1. In the Model Explorer, Operation tab, expand Simulation Options.
  2. Double-click BASE, Base Simulation Option.
    The Model Explorer, Operation tab, with Simulation Options folder expanded and BASE, Base Simulation Option called out.
  3. In the Simulation Options dialog box, click Clone.
    The Simulation Options dialog box with the Clone command called out.
  4. In the New Simulation Options popup, New ID field, type “WQ_AGE, Water Age Analysis”.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Simulation Options dialog box, click the Quality tab.
  7. Select Water Age.
  8. Click OK.
    The Simulation Options dialog box with the new simulation folder created, Water Option selected, and the OK command selected.

To set up the simulation time:

  1. In the Model Explorer, Operation tab, expand Simulation Time.
  2. Double-click EPS, Extended Period Analysis.
  3. From the Simulation Time dialog box box toolbar, click Clone.
  4. In the New Simulation Time dialog box, New ID field, type “WQ, Water Quality Analysis”.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Simulation Time dialog box, set the Duration to 240 hours.
  7. Click OK.
    The Simulation Time dialog box with the duration time entered into the table.

To run the simulation:

  1. In the Model Explorer, enable Refresh Output.
  2. In the ribbon, Analysis panel, click Run.
    The user interface with Refresh Output enabled in the Model Explorer and the Run command called out and selected.
  3. In the Run Manager, Standard tab, expand Simulation Options.
  4. Select WQ_Age, Water Age Analysis.
  5. Expand Time Setting.
  6. Select WQ, Water Quality Analysis.
  7. Click Run.
    The Run Manager, with the Run command called out and the Simulation Options and Time Settings configured and called out.
  8. When the simulation is complete, click OK.
  9. Review the results of the water age analysis simulation. In the map, select a junction.
  10. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, click Graph.
    The Model Explorer with a junction selected and the Graph command called out.
  11. In the Report Manager dialog box, set the graph parameter to Water Age.

Notice the initial rise in water age. At time zero, all pipes are full, and the age is showing as zero because an initial water quality value was not entered. Water quality results typically level out after stable conditions are reached.

The Report Manager with the Water Age and Time plotted in a graph. The Water Age parameter selection is called out.

  1. To close the Report Manager, click Hide.