Navigate Entity list pages

Just like there is a global and project navigation menu, each entity list page will display its own page navigation menu.

Page navigation menu

Page name

Page name will always be displayed on the top left-hand corner of the page.

Page name


The star directly to the right of the Page name allows users to mark a page as a Favorite, which will add the page to the Favorites drop-down in both the Global and Project navigation menus.


Views (Layout)

Entity List pages can be viewed in three main ways: Detail, Thumbnail or List view.

Layout views

  1. Detail view
    • The detail view allows users to take advantage of Entity list and Entity detail pages at the same time. Users can see information about a single entity record, such as a single Shot, in the right-hand pane, while able to select which entities to view the details of in the left-hand pane.

      Detail view

  2. Thumbnail view
    • The thumbnail view presents entity records as a gallery of viewable thumbnails.

      Thumbnail view

  3. List view 
    • The list view is the main view of most Entity list pages, allowing users to see information about a list of entity records.

      List view

Views (Pages)

Additional views are displayed to the right of the page navigation menu.

Pages can contain many different views. For example, users might create a page for daily reviews, that has several views to display:

  • View 1: Versions for review
  • View 2: Playlists the Versions for review are in
  • View 3: Notes from the latest review

Pages can have as many views as users want to create.

Pages views

Page Settings

From the Page Settings menu, users can control a number of customizations and page settings.

  • Design Page: From this menu users can customize all aspects of a page, including but not limited to:
    • Page name
    • Who can see the page
    • Adding, deleting, rearranging, and renaming page views
    • Controlling who can see each page view
    • Customizing the layout and formatting of each page view, including adding, deleting, rearranging, renaming, and re-sizing fields, and adding formatting
  • Analyze Page Performance to see if anything is slowing a page down.
  • Revert Page to its last saved iteration.
  • Save Page to maintain changes that have been made.
  • Save Page As… to save a copy of the page.
  • Use as Another User to see what other users see when accessing a page - by default, this functionality is available only to Admins.
  • Set as my Home Page to use the current page as a user's Home Page.
  • Add to Navigation to add the current page to the Project navigation menu.
  • Rename Page.
  • View Page Stats to see the history of changes on the page, how many times different users have accessed a page, and how many times the page has been accessed each month.
  • View Page Settings History, to look more specifically at a history of changes to a page, and to Restore an older version of that page – by default, this functionality is available only to Admins.
  • Delete Page to send a page to the Trash.

Page settings


If another user has added data to Flow Production Tracking, or saved an update to a page, users can use the refresh button to see the latest changes reflected on their screen.


Add Entity

The Add Entity button allows users to quickly create or import entities.

Users can quickly identify which type of entity page they are at by looking at by the entity listed on the button.

Add Entity


Users can organize data with a single click. Click on the column header for any field while in List View to sort the rows by that column or use the Sort button to select which field to sort on-screen data by.



Grouping puts a large amount of data into manageable chunks. Groups can be expanded and collapsed. Use the Group button to select which field to group on-screen data by.



From Fields, users can manage which entity fields are displayed on a page or not.

This can be done either by:

  • Selecting the field(s) to hide or display on the page
  • Selecting Configure Columns… and selecting the field(s) to hide or display on the page 

Fields can also be added by clicking on the Insert Column button, on the right side of the column headers, and choosing the field from the list. To remove a field, right-click over the field header and select Hide Column.

Admins can use the Manage [Entity] Fields option to hide fields they do not want accessible to any users on a page, delete fields, and add new fields.

Manage Entity fields


From the More menu, users can:

  • Edit several entity records at once.
  • Import entity records.
  • Export page data to Excel as a CSV file.
  • Follow or unfollow entity records.
  • Find formatting options.
  • Turn on Page (Column) Summaries.
  • Send entity records to the Trash.
  • Launch a variety of actions and apps, depending on the type of entity page.

The More menu

Additional page menu items

Depending on the entity, the entity page menu may display the following menu items.

  • Pipeline allows users to bring in fields related to specific pipeline steps. This way, users can see information about many entities and many Tasks within those entities at the same time. This option is only available on entity pages where that entity has tasks enabled (Ex: Assets, Sequences, Shots, Levels, Episodes, etc.).


  • Launch Review Notes App will allow a selected playlist to be launched within the Review Notes App. This option is only available on a Playlist entity page.

Launch Review Notes App

  • Activate User and Disable User options allow users to select one or several users at once and either Activate or Disable their user profiles. This option is only available on People and Client User entity pages.

Activate User and Disable User options

  • The Latest checkbox will display only the latest versions of any entity with versions and is visible only on a Versions entity page.

The Latest checkbox

  • Within your site, tasks can be displayed in a list and a Gantt chart simultaneously. A Gantt chart displays a project schedule through a series of horizontal bars spread out over time, with each bar reflecting the start date, due date, and duration of a planned task. When the Gantt chart is displayed on a Tasks entity page, Gantt Display options will become visible.

Gantt Display options


Quick search allows users to search through information contained within that specific entity page.

Quick search


The Filter panel is where users can filter results on a page. Filters allow a set of records to quickly narrow down large lists of information.

The Filter panel