Create a new shared parameter
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Configuring Shared Parameters
Since we have cut sections and elevations, we were able to drag those onto a sheet. But how does the annotation family know exactly what to display?
To see how sections and elevations work, follow these steps.
1- Open Revit.
2- Go to Families, then to open.
3- Open the architectural project
4- Now open the Landing Page family
5- In the Landing Page family, click the Label button.
6- Click the Add Parameter button as shown below.
7- For Parameter Type click the Select… button.
8- Click the Create button to create a new Shared Parameters file.
9- Save it somewhere as Project_Project Parameters.txt
10- Under Groups, click New…
11- Name it Project Information.
12- Click New… under Parameters.
13- Call it SED Number.
14- Make the type of parameter Text.
15- Click OK.
16- Click Add Parameter(s) to Label
17- Click OK.
18- Save the family and click Load into Project and Close.
19- Overwrite the family if prompted to do so.
20- Go to the Manage tab.
21- Click Project Parameters.
22- Click Add…
23- Select Shared Parameters
24- Click Select…
25- Select SED Number.
26- Click OK.
27- Under Categories, select Project Information.
28- Click OK.
29- Click OK
30- Click Project Information
31- Change SED Number to 12345
Congratulations! You now know how to use Shared Parameters.