Format a page
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Adjust formatting on an entity page
List views can be broken down into column headers, columns, and rows.
- Headers represent fields.
- Columns represent a list of entities related to one header.
- Rows represent one entity related to multiple headers.
Flow Production Tracking allows formatting to be applied to headers, columns, and rows, to customize the look of any page.
Header color
Header colors can be changed from the default.
To change a header color, right click over any header, and select Format > Header Color...
Choose a header color from the available color list and select OK.
The header color will now be changed.
It should be noted that the header of the fields used for sorting a page will be highlighted in blue. The sorting field color will override any custom header colors that are set.
Changing a header's color will only apply the color change to that unique page only. To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
Header width
Headers and columns can grow or shrink in width. To change the width of a column and column header, place the cursor between two column headers. Drag the line dividing two headers to the left or right.
Header height
Header height can be increased to be double its default height.
To increase or decrease the height of a header, right click over any header and select Format > Double Tall Header.
The header will now be twice as tall.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
Rename header
By default, headers display the name of the field that they represent. On a page, headers can be renamed.
To rename a header, right click on the header and select Format > Rename Header...
Type in the new name for the header and select Rename Column.
The header will now display with the new name. In the example below, the field header on a Versions page went from "Link > Shot > Status" to "Shot Status".
Renaming a header will only apply the name change to that unique page only. Changing the header name does not rename the field.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
As a best practice, proceed with caution when it comes to renaming headers, as this may cause confusion to other users. It is recommended to work with your team to come to a consensus on renaming fields.
Rearrange columns
Columns in a list view can be reordered. Simply place the mouse over the column header and drag the header left and right to the desired position.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
Wrap column text
Wrap Text allows all information in a cell to be displayed, even if that information goes past a cell’s boundary.
In the example below, there is more content in the cell than can be displayed. The text is cut short.
To see all the data contained within a cell, users can wrap text. To wrap text, right click any header and select Wrap Text.
All the text contained within the cells in the column will now be displayed.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
Column background and text color
The background color of the cells in any column, and the text color of data in any cells in any column, can both be customized. This is helpful to bring a user's attention and focus to priority fields.
To change the background and text colour of all cells within a column, right click over the field header and select Format > Cell Color...
- Format text color.
- Format text emphasis, with bold, italics, and strikethrough.
- Format cell color.
- See a preview of selections in dark and light themes.
Select Save to apply the changes.
Cell formatting will only apply to a single column, and only to that unique page. Formatting on fields can only be done in list view, however it will also apply to thumbnail view.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.
Row color
Since rows on a detail page are all records of a single entity type, the option to change row color is all or nothing.
Row formatting will apply to all rows, but only to that unique page.
To change row color, right click any cell and select Format All Rows > Row Color...
- Format text color.
- Format text emphasis, with bold, italics, and strikethrough.
- Format cell color.
- See a preview of selections in dark and light themes.
Select Save to apply the changes.
In this example, notice that the column formatting set on this page overrides the row formatting. Formatting on rows can only be done in list view, however it will also apply to thumbnail view.
To keep changes, select Page Settings > Save Page.