Identify page types

Identify page types

Page types can be broken down into three main categories, each containing their own sets of customizations and views: Entity, Canvas, and URL.

Entity pages

The types of entity pages that can be created will reflect the available entities on a site.

Entity pages can be broken into two main types:

  1. List pages allow users to see information about a list of entity records, such as a list of Assets or Tasks.

    List pages

  2. Detail pages allow users to see information about a single entity record, such as a single Shot or Playlist.

    Detail pages

Canvas pages

Canvas pages start as a blank slate, or canvas, without any data on them at all, that can be customized to present the information that users need.

Canvas pages are populated with widgets. A widget is a visual element that displays information. Flow Production Tracking's canvas pages contain a series of widgets that can be customized to display many kinds of information.

Some of Flow Production Tracking's built-in widgets include:

  • A Countdown widget to mark the number of days until an important milestone, such as a project delivery or end date
  • A Fields widget that can display multiple fields about a single entity
  • A Thumbnail widget that can display the thumbnail image of a single entity

Widgets can also display more detailed information. For example:

  • Grids can display the same information as a standard entity page.
  • Graphs can break down information for analysis and present it in a visual way.

Widgets can be duplicated and rearranged to provide the best views to users.

Canvas pages are particularly helpful to get a broad overview of a project, since so much different information can be brought into a single page.

Canvas pages

URL pages

URL pages display a single URL back to users.

If a team needs consistent access to the same websites, or internal resources, such as a wiki or SharePoint, the URL page is a great resource to keep information accessible from Flow Production Tracking.

URL pages

While Canvas pages can be a lot of fun to work with, the rest of the modules in this course will focus on navigating, organizing, and formatting the two main types of Entity pages.