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- Get an overview of the new features of AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024.
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- Bernd GerstenbergerCAD enthusiast. Working for Autodesk since 2010. Formerly gained extensive experience over many years working in different sections of the IT industry: CAD, GIS, PDM, network, database, programming.. I'm happy to share what I know with others.
PRESENTER: and welcome to the session, new features of AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024. My name is Bernd Gerstenberger. I'm from Munich in Germany. I'm a senior technical support specialist, escalation lead for AutoCAD plant 3D and knowledge domain expert for AutoCAD and specialized toolset. I want to present you the new features of AutoCAD plant 3D 2024.
This is a safe harbor statement. Let us look for the agenda to get the first impression about what we will cover in this session. The first impression is that we have a lot of new features. Well, several orthographic improvements regarding orthographic tables and auto single line piping. The spec and catalog editor is [? overworked. ?] And also for the spec fewer, some improvements are implemented. Also we are talking about collaboration project and an improvement here.
You see, additionally, several enhancement for projects. We will start here with mapping external properties. And will move over to some improvements for project compare and calculated properties. Performance is always a topic. And I can show you here some improvements. And then we have very specific topic, which is about pipe routing and an enhancement for instruments. Some news about the AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler.
And finally, we will take a look for new system variables. Orthographic improvements. So starting with the first one, with an orthographic improvement, which is a redesign of the ortho table setup dialog. This is the ortho table setup dialog in version 2023 and in former versions. I think most of this you know this dialog. You can see the two tabs, Table Layouts and Settings. Note that in this dialog at the bottom, you see a checkbox for including the instruments to the BOM.
The instruments are not listed here in the table. So you were not able to check or uncheck for specific columns like you can do for other categories. Now the changes. In 2024, we have a lot of new tables, which you can add to orthographic drawings, the piping BOM is the one which you are used to use in 2023 as a normal BOM. But now the instruments are listed in the table here, making it possible for you to check or uncheck the specific columns.
You will keep and BOM, the Nozzle List, the Steel BOM and the Spool List. Each table can be enabled or disabled separately by using this slider here at the top right. And only those tables which are enabled will be shown in the flyout menu when you are trying to add a table by clicking Bill of Materials in the ribbon either in the auto template or in the orthographic drawing itself.
So here, I've clicked bill of materials. And you see here, only bill of materials, which is the normal piping BOM, the Steel Bomb and the Spool List. This is because the [? equipment ?] BOM and the Nozzle List are disabled. For the BOMs, there's an additional button here at the bottom called Manage Components. Clicking that, the dialog pops up and you can select which components you want to see in your BOM by checking or unchecking the specific components.
If you're switching to a Setting tab, you see a redesign here as well with some additional new settings. As you can see here red marked, you are able to group and sort the BOM by properties. For the sorting, you can see here at the right an arrow, which is going up by default. But it can also be pointing down. This means that you are able to sort either ascending or descending.
Now about some restructuring in general. These are new features, but something are just restructured. For example, the selection list description. In 2024, [? he ?] redmarked. It has been moved to the top right of a dialogue and you can select here, long description family, long description size and use custom description. Now a dialogue from version 2023 and former versions, there was already a description selection list formerly, including long description family and long description size. But the custom description was a separate option and you have to browse for a [? LDS ?] file.
In 2024, if you select Use Custom Description, you have also to browse for one, but it is integrated in the selection list description so it looks a little bit differently, but you will find the same things as before. Now let us look for a new tables to get a first impression about them. This is the Equipment Table, the Nozzle List, the Steel BOM and the Spool List.
For the Spool List, I have to mention that you have to fill the property spool number in the model. Otherwise, the spool list is empty. The next topic is not a real new feature, but now it is meaningful. There are new Ortho BOM annotation styles in Project Set Up for equipment, nozzles, fasteners and steel classes, giving you the possibility to create separate block definitions for the BOM IDL symbol for these classes.
In the image here, you can see whether I've set up different symbols for each of those classes. So the structure class, I've created a hexagonal symbol for the paper and components, a triangle, for the nozzles, a circle. For the equipment, a rectangle. And for fasteners, a circle with a cross inside. For the nozzle list, the direction is included by default, in the image of a model, you see a vessel with three nozzles where each nozzle shows in a different direction.
This information will be added to a Nozzle List. Now some notes about the different description styles. It depends on the chosen table type, which kind of description style is available. For the piping and equipment BOM, you have all kind of description styles available. Long description family, long description size and custom description. For the Nozzle List and the Steel BOM, long description family style is not available. For the Spool List, there is no description style available, but you can add the description of a P3D Line Group Class.
Here's an example for the Steel BOM, where we have only the long description size and the custom description available. When I'm using the long description size, it can look like that. Note, the use of column descriptions. Just looking for the first row, member IPE equal to 100, multiplied by 10,000.
Now I'm changing that to use a custom description. And you note that HTM structure standard is added to the description. And also a material 441 is added to a BOM Description field. One note here. For equipment on steel BOM, there is no user interface like for the piping BOM to create a custom file. This means that you have to adopt the LDS file manually at the moment. And now a video about the points which we have talked about.
- The Ortho table setup dialog is redesigned. Now it is possible not only to add a bill of material for pipeline components only, but also for equipment and steel. Also, a nozzle and a spool list can be added. Each category has got its own section for a table adoption. In Project Setup, switch [? to ?] the node Auto Drawing Settings, Title Block and Display, and click Setup Title Block. You are now in the auto template file click table setup.
This is the redesigned dialog node that we have not only the possibility to set up the auto table for pipeline components, which is mentioned here with piping bomb, but also for equipment, nozzles, steel, and spool. But already for the piping components, we have some improvements. First of all, the instruments are listed in the table. Formally, in 2023, the instruments could be checked or unchecked to include or to exclude them to a piping bomb, but it wasn't possible to check or uncheck specific columns for the instrument. This has been changed.
And another change is this button here-- Manage Components, Clicking where the dialog pops up-- and giving an easy way to select which type of components I want to see in my list. And this can be set up for each type of bill of materials-- piping, equipment, or steel.
Another enhancement of this redesigned dialog can be noted in the Setting tab. You see when it's restructured in general. But also note that you can easily group and sort the rows by properties. It is also possible to add additional properties for grouping and sorting.
For sorting, you can define in which direction the property will be sorted, ascending or descending. When clicking button Bill of Material, level in the auto template, or later, in the auto drawing, you will be asked which kind of table you want to Insert- the Bill of Material, which means the piping table equipment, nozzles, steel, or spool. One last note about the spool list-- it is needed to have filled the property spool number in the model to get the spool list filled.
In this example model, I have filled with properties spool number for the pipeline components of colored pipe [INAUDIBLE] components by the spool number. Red has value 1, yellow, 2, and green has got the value 3. In this list, you can see these values listed. Of course, as shown before, you can add additional properties to this list for getting more information by this list. These additional properties have to be pipeline group properties for a spool list.
We are moving over to the next orthographic improvements-- the Ortho Single Line Piping. The Ortho Single Line Piping feature was implemented already in 2023. If you want to get a reminder what this feature was about, just click on this link, which will you forward to our planned video blog series "Plant 3D with the Experts." This video blog series contains more than 30 videos, which have a length between 3 and 16 minutes. It is a great resource if you want to learn or update your skills.
The implementation of Ortho Single Line Piping was in 2023-- indeed a great new feature. But we are talking here about improvements for version 2024, and here's one improvement. In 2023, for the following options-- line number, size range of piping, and property-- you have to fill everything directly to the command line, and no dialog popped up. This was not very user friendly, but this has been changed. In 2024, for both options, a suitable dialog pops up making it easier to select the values, and enables you to select multiple values as well. So it looks more professional and is much more user friendly than before.
Now we are moving over to the next big topic-- Improvements for Specs and Catalogs. There is a complete redesign of Edit Parts dialog. Let us start with the one for specs. Later we will look also for a dialog in a catalog editor as well. In the Edit Parts dialog of spec editor, there is a new selection list called Display. Currently, the value all properties is selected. This means that you see all properties in a table, independent of the kind of properties. The next three values in the selection are just named [? Fuse, ?] meaning a saved query of the same table but filtering some properties out.
Now, if I select only part Family Properties, only general properties which are size-independent are shown. Because these properties are size independent, you will only see one single row. If I'm selecting only part size properties, the part family properties are filtered out, and now you see only size-dependent properties. This means that I see, for each size, a separate row in the dialog. The last possibility is to use only custom properties, showing you the custom spec properties added by you, formerly. Note that the former checkbox Hide Parts marked Remove from Spec has been moved to the selection list.
Custom properties-- in 2023, in formal version, it was only possible to add custom family properties, but it wasn't possible to add custom size properties. This is now possible. This will be possible because of a new field in the custom property dialog called Applies To, which is a selection list showing you two possibilities- Part Size and Part Family. If Part Size is selected, the size-dependent property will be created. If Part Family is selected, the size-independent property will be created. For Part Size properties you have to enter, for each size, a separate value, while for the part family properties, if I'm adding, for one specific size, a value, all sizes will be updated by this value.
Now we are talking about Edit Parts dialog for a catalog editor. It is mainly the same as for a spec. In a catalog, the size-independent property will be added to the General tab of a catalog editor, while the size-dependent property will be added to a tab size for catalog editor. One additional thing-- formerly, in 2023 and older versions, if you want to add custom properties, you have selected from a new catalogs-- Modify Catalog Properties. In 2024, this is renamed to Catalog Property Editor.
Now you are able to modify several properties in one single step in the catalog editor. There are two possibilities-- selecting several part sizes of one component at once to modify size-dependent properties in one step or to select several components of a same family to modify general properties in one step. Note that this is only possible if you select several components of the same family-- for example, all are [INAUDIBLE], or all are reducers. If you are trying to select several components of different families, the fields are grayed out, and you are not able to modify the values for these fields.
And now another note-- the Advanced Editing Table in Catalog Editor tab, Sizes, is removed. In 2023 and former version, it was available in catalog editor and here in the Size tab. So this list here below, red marked-- the image is from 2023-- is not available anymore in 2024. Why? It is not needed anymore. You have a property editor now.
Another very small but important improvement has to do with a spec, Update Settings. The spec Update Settings dialog is available in the Spec Editor but also in Project Setup. In Spec Editor, there is no change. But in Project Setup, there was one missing hook, which was already available in the Spec Editor. A checkbox called Update All User Added Properties-- this checkbox is available in Project Setup now, too.
And here's a short video showing you all the improved or implemented new features for the Spec and Catalog Editor. I am selecting one point and clicking button property editor, switching to Manage Properties, but I'm adding, now, two custom properties. One is size-dependent, and I'm calling it CPSize. I'm selecting part sizes and the second general property-- size-independent. I'm calling it CPFamily. It will get, also, the full value-- selecting part family. Apply. When switching to Part List, you see both properties are added-- CPSize and CPFamily.
Now, switching to only custom properties, you'll see, also, both sizes. When I'm changing the value from for custom property sizes, I can do that row by row. But if I'm doing that for a CPFamily, once changed, all rows will be updated in one step. Now I'm switching to only part Family Properties. And you see only one single row. If I'm changing, here, a value 3,001 to 3,002 it will be, also, updated in the other lists. So going back to only custom properties, you'll see it's updated with 3,002. Now, switching to only part size properties, here, I can change row by row because it's a size-dependent property.
You can also open a property by selecting Manage Properties. Now I'm switching to a catalog editor. And you see, in the top, General Properties for CPFamily, property in the size [INAUDIBLE] Size Property. In the list below. I will select, now, several [INAUDIBLE] in one step. And now I can change general properties in one step only. This was not possible, formerly.
But if I'm selecting different components, which are from different families, everything is grayed out, and you cannot update the values. I'm selecting one component, but I'm selecting, this time, several sizes. I can change size-dependent properties in one step.
Spec Viewer Enhancements. Also, Spec Viewer's improved. We have four new features. The first one is just to expand and collapse the Spec Viewer information. The second one is much more important. There's a new search field. Third one is that you are able to filter by sizes. Formerly, it was only possible to filter for specs. And the fourth improvement is that any changes of a size of a spec filter will be reflected immediately in the part insertion panel in the ribbon, and the other way around. And now another video showing you this improvement.
Here, you see, when you view the size, and we are selecting, here, a value 10, the list below will be immediately updated. And only those components are listed, which have included in the size range with size 10. Next is-- if I'm selecting another size, the size on a ribbon will be immediately updated. Also, the other way around. Same for the spec. When I'm entering the value 16.9, into the search field only those components are visible which have, somewhere, included the search keyword, 16.9.
Improvements for Collaboration Projects. We are leaving the specs and catalogs and moving over to the collaboration projects. There's one improvement implemented. And now it is possible to run Undo Check-Out for several drawings in one single step. The only thing which you have to be in mind is that you can only do with if these drawings are checked out by yourself. You cannot run this feature if the drawings are checked out by someone different.
In the image, you can see that those drawings which are checked out by someone different are grayed out and cannot be checked. You have, of course, the command [? enforce ?] Undo Check-Out. This is not a new feature, but you can use this command to run Undo Check-Out for a drawing which is checked out by someone else. Note that you have to have the permission of a project admin to be able to run this command. And you can also run this command only drawing-- [? by ?] drawing.
And again, another video showing you this command. Here, I'm choosing from context menu of planned [INAUDIBLE] drawing [INAUDIBLE] and Project Manager command Undo Check-Out. This dialog pops up. You can see that those drawings which are checked out by someone else are grayed out. But those drawings which are checked out by myself are in black, and I can check or uncheck them from batch Undo Check-Out, which will be shown here. And it's done.
Project Improvements. Now we are moving over to the project improvements, starting with Mapping External Properties. You might know, already, the very old command, PLANTXDBMANAGER. It is an undocumented command, which has to be executed on a command line. But a lot of people are aware of this command, especially after [INAUDIBLE] class several years ago. The way to map external properties has been changed now, and will be done inside of Project Setup, although you can still use the old command.
If you are executing PLANTXDBMANAGER in the command line in version 2024, then you will get this dialog. There are two options here. The first, and the recommended option, is to open Project Setup for mapping external properties [INAUDIBLE], which is a new feature. The second option is to use the old PLANTXDBMANAGER, but with a notification below that this command will be removed in a future release.
So PLANTXDBMANAGER is integrated since with version 2024 Project Setup. In 2023 and older versions. If you have executed PLANTXDBMANAGER, the command line-- you have got this dialog, which was outside of project setup with five tabs-- [? P90 ?] Piping, ISO, Auto and Misc. And for each tab, you have to add the data sources separately. Now it is integrated in Project Setup. In Node Database Setup, we have something new at the bottom here. If you're clicking Add, you're able to connect to an external database.
But before we are going to the steps how to map external properties, I want to show you a comparison between these two ways to map external properties-- the old and the new way. In the column in the middle, a new feature will be described, and at the right, the old legacy command. So first of all, the legacy command-- you have seen it on slide before-- the old dialog with those five tabs. This means that for each tab, a separate configuration has to be implemented. Now, in 2024, it is unified. You have to add the external data source only once for all project paths.
Second difference is that the old legacy command was not integrated, Project Setup, but has to be executed in the command line. Also, this command was never documented. Now it is integrated in Project Setup, which makes everything easier. Regarding the different kind of properties, virtual properties are properties which are not defined in Project Setup before the mapping but are added as new properties of type mapped afterwards. Existing properties are properties which are already added to a class before the mapping process. And this is a change-- in 2024, virtual properties will be used, but no existing properties anymore.
Now let us map some external properties by showing you an example. I want to map a Microsoft Access database with that table, which is called Spec Data sheet. Let us take a quick look for that table. Important-- here is the second column, which is called P3D Pipe Class.
I want to use this column as my key column to map the table to my project. Also, I want that you remember the very first value of column. It is 300. Just remember this single value is 300. Now, in Project Setup, we are switching to a node, Database Setup, and are clicking button, Add. This dialog-- Data Link Properties pops up. Here, we are selecting Microsoft Office 16.0, Access Database Engine OLE DB provider and clicking Next. Now I have to enter in-field data source or path and file name of our access database. To ensure that our connection works, we can click Test Connection to verify that. Finally, we are clicking OK, and it's done. The data source is added to the project, and we can use it.
In the next step, we have to map the properties which we want to see in the project, where if I go to a specific class-- doesn't matter which class, in general, if it is a [? P.E ?] class or a [INAUDIBLE] class. In this example, we are using the P3D class to map the external properties. Here's a new button called Map.
Checking that, and you will get this new dialog. At the top, you can see our Microsoft Access database and the table. If a database contains more than one table, we have to select the right table in the selection list. Now we have to map the key properties to match external properties with the class properties. Remember that the key mapping column in our Access database was P3D Pipe Class, and this column will be matched to a property nominal spec in the P3D line group class.
In the section here below, we are mapping the rest of the properties. These properties should be visible afterwards, in our project. In the left column, we can select the properties of Access Database Table from a selection list, row by row. In the right column, we are writing new names for the new virtual properties. This is a manual input. And when we just click button Map Properties, then my class P3D line group with all new virtual properties are added-- Virtual Pipe Class, Virtual Design Code, Virtual Service, Virtual [INAUDIBLE]. Note that all those properties are of a type Mapped .
And in data manager, it looks like that. We have selected order by area to see our pipelines because we have mapped the properties to P3D line group class. At the beginning, the field Nominal Spec is empty, and because of that, all virtual properties are also empty. But immediately, when we are entering the value, CS300 the value, which I've asked you to remember, the fields for virtual properties will be filled automatically by the values of our access table.
Some additional notes-- let's say in Project Setup, [? not ?] Database Setup, we haven't set up yet a data source, but we are clicking, in a class, the button Map. When this dialog pops up-- which is the same dialogue as before, but the data source is missing. We can add the data source here. As an alternative way to add data sources, just click Add Data Source Link, and then you will get the same dialog as before to add a data source. After you have added the data source, this dialog changes, and we can see the same dialog as above, to map the external properties.
Let's say we are opening an old project, and in this old project, we have already used the old PLANTXDBMANAGER command. In this case, if we are clicking, the very first time, button Map in a class node, we are getting this dialog at the bottom right. The first option is to create existing properties. This also means that properties of type Existing will be converted to virtual properties. In general, this is a recommended option. The other option is to not migrate existing mapped properties. No changes will be made, but in this case, you cannot use the Map button for new mapped properties.
Notes-- the first note is explained. After migration, all properties will be virtual properties only. The second note is that only the currently used datasource will be created, which also means that you cannot only add one datasource, but several. Now, again, another video. We are starting Project Setup or Database Setup by adding two new data sources-- both time-- access database. This is the first one, and now I'm adding a second one.
You see I can add more than one source. Now I'm removing both, but we have nothing added here. Switching to [? Engineering ?] Items class. Click Map. Because no data source is added currently this dialogue is empty. We have to click Add Data Source again. And this is the alternative way to add a data source.
In this database, we have more than one table. We have to select the correct table-- our Key Properties, both sides. And this is my database table. I'm selecting the owner, and it will be mapped to virtual property one. This is just the manual input. And the second property will be owned, and this will be mapped to virtual property two Finally, I have to click the blue button, Map Properties. Now you see, in this property list, when you-- virtual properties-- virtual property one and two.
Project Compare. Project Compare-- this is a feature which was already implemented in 2022. If you are clicking that link, you will be forwarded, again, to our video blog series, "Plant 3D with Experts," showing you a video about Project Compare, as a reminder. Now, in 2024, a very small improvement was done but with a very huge impact. You are able to accept all individual settings for [? P.E ?] classes in one single step.
So this is a dialog in 2023. Note, at the top right here, with very, very small slider, in this custom project, several hundred new [? P.E ?] classes are added. Because of that, the slider is very, very small, and you can imagine how many [? P.E ?] classes are really added. If you want to compare all classes with another project, you have to check every single line with a double hook here.
In this example, it has taken me about four hours just to check for every class with double hook. This was really painful. In 2024, at the top, a small double hook is added. You just have to check this double hook once, and it's done. You can compare all several hundred classes with another project, and this saves really a lot of time for this task.
Calculated Properties-- this feature was also implemented already before this time in 2023. Use this link here as a reminder by watching another vlog in our video series, "Plant 3D with Experts," this time regarding the calculated properties. In 2024, three new functions are added-- round, split, and trim.
When creating a new calculated property for a class, you can see these three new functions. Selecting one shows you the definition and the syntax of a function at the bottom. As an example, I'm creating, here, two new calculated properties. The first one is called rounded coordinate. And its formula is a round, open bracket, position, x, comma, 1, which is the position, and closing bracket. The second one is called unrounded coordinate, and the expression is just position x without the round function. And this is the result. The rounded coordinate looks much nicer and better readable than the unrounded coordinate, which still contains a lot of decimal places. So there's a small functionality, but with a big impact.
Performance Improvements improve performance. This is a topic I love to present you're talking about the interaction of AutoCAD Plant 3D with Excel. There are several places where you have to do something with Excel Files. Remember, you can import or export from Data Manager, from a Specs and Catalogs, and from a Catalog Builder. Also, you are using Excel files and creating isometric drawings with LDT files. All these interactions have needed a [? while, ?] and it was needed that Microsoft Excel is installed. But 2024, uses a .NET library called Closed XML, and it was needed that-- and no Microsoft Excel is required anymore. You can use this functionality without Excel installed.
And now a test, which I've done on my laptop. My laptop is running with Windows 11 the CPU is 2.8 gigahertz, which is OK but not great. RAM is 64 gigabyte, which is good. But the graphics card with NVIDIA Quadro T2000 with only 4 gigabyte GPU could be better. Now I've done some exports. First, I've executed a full spec data export from a standard spec-- 10HC01. In 2023, it has taken about 1 minute and 10 seconds. What do you think-- how long it has taken in 2024? I will give you three seconds to think about it. The answer is 8 seconds.
Now another full data export-- this time a standard cataloged in pipes and fittings. In 2023, the export was finished after 6 minutes, 23 seconds. Now again the question for you-- how long has it taken in 2024? Just 25 seconds. Isn't this amazing?
Then exported data to an Excel file. The progress bar has been redefined. It is more user friendly, as it shows better the actual process. You will see them after [INAUDIBLE]. So the first one is collecting the part family data, showing you, at the bottom, all the components which are currently collected. The second one shows the preparation of a data for the export. Again, all components will be shown at the bottom of the dialog. And the last one will be shown when the data will be exported to a file.
Pipe Routing Improvements. Here, I want to show a very specific one. It is a possibility to connect directly without any workaround THDM instrument to apply in flange or cap. I'm talking, here, about a thread tap joint connection, which is listed here in the Joint Settings, by default. It is already possible to connect a nipple or a half coupling to a blind flange or cap. But it wasn't possible directly for a THDM instrument. But this kind of connection is very common in the industry, and now it is possible.
So first, I want to show you how it was in version 2023. You see a piece of pipe with a cap at the end. I'm selecting a THDM instrument from a tool palette, and I'm trying to place the instrument directly onto the cap. But you note that the instrument won't be aligned to a pipe. That doesn't work.
Now, for 2023, we have used the following workaround. Whenever we are adding a piece of pipe to the cap, now I'm selecting a gamma THDM instrument from a tool palette, and snap the connection between the cap and the pipe. The instrument will be correctly aligned. Finally, I'm removing this short piece of pipe, but the instrument is still connected with a cap. You don't see any water drops here. The parts are connected. It has worked, but it was just a workaround.
Now, in 2024, there is no need to use this workaround. You see, here, two pipelines-- one with a cap at the end and the other one with a pipeline flange. And again, I'm selecting a Undo instrument from a tool palette, and I'm trying to connect directly to the cap-- respectively to a pipeline flange. And this time, you can see that the THDM instrument will be aligned, and I can connect it directly to the cap and to a blind flange. This new feature was asked for very often as this connection is very common in the industry
AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler. There are some news regarding the AutoCAD plan for the object enabler. Since 2024, there are two different kind of AutoCAD plan for the object enablers. One is for AutoCAD products. If you install AutoCAD Plan 3D, then this object enabler will be automatically installed and is available for [INAUDIBLE] AutoCAD-based products. Now there's a separate AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler for Navisworks. You will find both AutoCAD Plant Object Enabler in Autodesk account.
We are nearly at the end of this presentation, and I want to share a quick overview regarding the new system variables. There are five new system variables-- PLANTINSULATIONCOLOR and PLANTINSULATIONTRANSPARENCY. They are doing what they are looking like to do. We are controlling the insulation color and transparency. PLANTMLINEOVERRIDE-- this is specific for these lines of type multi-line. It is controlling the color, fill color, and the line type. It also enables the multi-line to honor the [? P.E ?] painter color settings.
PLANTUPLOADISOSUPPORTFILES-- this system variable determines if the related XML files of the ISO file are uploaded to Autodesk or not. The last one is PLANTANNOTATEDYNAMICINSTRUMENT, which can be turned on or off. It determines if annotation style of an instrument, which is using a dynamic block instead of just an attribute text, will be shown or not. Now we are at the end of this presentation. I hope you could enjoy and it is some kind of useful for you. Have a great day. [INAUDIBLE] Bernd Gerstenberger.