
20 min.

Exchange 3D modeled objects between Civil 3D and InfraWorks

Module overview

Moving from one Autodesk software to another for the design should not require starting over from scratch. In this module, you learn how to use the InfraWorks model in Civil 3D. Then, you learn how to modify the cross-section that came in from InfraWorks to add details to the corridor model. Finally, you update the Civil 3D model with changes that were made in InfraWorks.
This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. By the end of the module, you should be able to: 
  • Send the InfraWorks model to Civil 3D
  • Modify the cross-section of the road in Civil 3D
  • Update the Civil 3D model with design changes from InfraWorks
  • Create data shortcuts in Civil 3D

Module pre-requisites

This module requires user-level knowledge of InfraWorks and is focused on best practices and its industry applications. If you don't have experience with this product, we recommend you to take foundational training using one of the resources below:

About the author

This module was created by Russ Nicloy, Civil Solutions Specialist.

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the InfraWorks software loaded.
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support

Module downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete units in this module:

Module outline

  • Send the Infraworks Model to Civil 3D