Edit The Project Drawing List (7:16 min)
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Project: Edit the Project Drawing List
Prerequisites:Â Completion of the Project Drawing List Lesson.
Objective:Â In this exercise, you add, remove, and replace drawings from a project drawing list, create a new drawing, and edit a drawing's properties. |
Instructions |
1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager. |
2:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project. |
3:  Browse to where you installed the project exercise files. Select Project_Drawing_List_NFPA.wdp from the Project Basics folder then click Open. |
4:  In the Project Manager, right-click Project_Drawing_List_NFPA. Click Add Drawings. |
5:  In the Select Files to Add dialog box, from the Project Basics folder, select New_Project_NFPA_01 through New_Project_NFPA_04 then click Add. |
6:  In the Apply Project Defaults to Drawing Settings dialog box, click No. |
7:  In the Project Manager, double-click the Project_Drawing_List_NFPA project name to expand the drawing list |
8:  Right-click New_Project_NFPA_04.dwg. Click Remove. In the Project Manager > Remove Files dialog box, click Yes. |
9:  Right-click New_Project_NFPA_02.dwg. Click Replace. |
10:  In the Select Project File dialog box, select New_Project_NFPA_04.dwg to replace New_Project_NFPA_02.dwg. Click Select. |
11:  In the Apply Project Defaults to Drawing Settings dialog box, click No. |
12:  Right-click New_Project_NFPA_01.dwg. Click Properties > Drawing Properties. |
13:  In the Drawing Properties dialog box, Drawing Settings tab, for Description 1, type 3 Phase Motors. Click OK.  |
14:  Right-click New_Project_NFPA_04.dwg. Click Properties > Drawing Properties. |
15:  In the Drawing Properties dialog box, Drawing Settings tab, for Description 1, type Panel Layout. Click OK. |
16:  Right-click New_Project_NFPA_03.dwg. Click Properties > Drawing Properties. |
17:  In the Drawing Properties dialog box, Drawing Settings tab, for Description 1, type Pallet Sensors. Click OK. |
18:  From the Project Manager toolbar, click Drawing List Display Configuration. |
19:  In the Drawing List Display Configuration dialog box, under Display Options, select Drawing Description 1. |
20:  Repeat the previous step with Drawing Description 2 and Drawing Description 3. |
21:  Click OK. |
22:  From the Project Manager toolbar, click New Drawing. |
23:  In the Create New Drawing dialog box, for Name, type New Project Drawing. |
24:  For Template, click Browse. In the Select Template dialog box, select ACAD_ELECTRICAL.dwt. Click Open. |
25:  In the Create New Drawing dialog box, for Description 1, type This is a New Drawing. |
26:  Click OK. |